First US Catholic pedophile cover-up trial opens


Lawful neutral
First US Catholic pedophile cover-up trial opens |

HIGH-ranking Catholic priest Monsignor William Lynn protected the dark "secrets" of child-abusing subordinates, a US prosecutor said at the start of a landmark trial.

The trial of the most senior church official in the United States to be charged with covering up priests' sexual abuse of children began under heavy media scrutiny in Philadelphia.

Prosecutors are targeting Lynn for allegedly shuffling two priests suspected of child abuse to other positions, thereby enabling the crimes to continue.

Assistant district attorney Jacqueline Coelho described Lynn as the "keeper of the secrets," tasked with protecting the church from scandal and keeping parishioners in the dark. "The protection of children was the furthest thing from defendant Lynn's mind," Ms Coelho said.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Bad news for him, sad news for everybody that has ever entrusted their children to church organizations and had those children abused or molested by church staff. And I mean ALL churches of all denominations and creeds.

This crap has happened everywhere, but seems to have been ingrained with too many and basically ignored in the Catholic church for some time now.

High time some high heads be hanging.


Ubi bene ibi patria
Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests

"SNAP Mission Statement

Our most powerful tool is the light of truth.
Through our actions, we bring healing, prevention and justice.

SNAP is an independent, confidential network of survivors of religious sexual abuse and their supporters who work to:

Protect the vulnerable:

We expose predators and those who shield them. We build policies and practices within secular and religious organizations that protect children now and in the future.

Heal the wounded:

We share our stories and empower others to confront the truth. Together, we find healthy mechanisms for healing.

Prevent the abuse:

We educate ourselves and our communities about the effects of abuse. We speak in a unified voice to bring about change by exposing the malignant actions of abusive religious ministers and the church officials who shield them.

In order to achieve this mission, SNAP will:

Build a continually expanding world-wide network of chapters united under the SNAP banner and website.
Recruit and train a flourishing team of staff members, volunteers, leaders and activists who will form an insurmountable force for recovery and change
Expose predators across the globe and ensure that they are never placed in positions where they can abuse again
Demand and achieve legal justice, working with others to ensure criminal and civil success in all cases of religious abuse
Change laws or legal practices that obstruct justice or protect predators
Hold church institutions answerable for enabling abuse and shielding predators

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