First World Problems


Power with Control
People driving in the passing lane at the speed limit doesn't bug you?
eye twitch GIF

No, no, not at all.......


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Guess I did miss a few of the obvious choices....and we can never have too many liquor stores.


Beloved Misanthrope
What we could really use is a good Eskimo-Indian-French Fusion Restaurant.

Theres nowhere to get a good Tandoori Sealcub Tips over Saffron Rice with Bernaise Sauce around here.


Well-Known Member
What we could really use is a good Eskimo-Indian-French Fusion Restaurant.

Theres nowhere to get a good Tandoori Sealcub Tips over Saffron Rice with Bernaise Sauce around here.
I got a FB notice that the Asian Market in Waldorf just got a fresh batch of Balut eggs in.:yay: