It's the chemicals they put into this food and onto the food that is killing us! Organic/GMO Free is the only way to go! Butter and REAL milk is delicious! Fruits and Veggies not engineered to grow bigger, faster and that are herbicide & pesticide resistant, are harvested too early chemically treated to "look" ripe taste like #### and are poisoning your body along with the other chemicals added to foods in this country. Vegan EPA DHA is a good alternative to take for Fish Oil. When you start researching and finding out what companies are putting into the food here (and in many cases ONLY HERE - they reformulate their recipes in other countries due to stricter regulations) it will make you not want to eat at a restaurant or buy food from a traditional grocery store ever again. I buy everything organic anymore and even use cleaning products that are chemical free down to laundry detergent - everything. We discovered after going to an organic diet that we actually don't FEEL like eating as much as we used to and I for one don't have those cravings for stuff like desserts and more carbs. Now, the only thing I buy at the regular grocery store is cat food and every time I'm in the store I look at the people walking by with their carts full of crap and I fight the urge to say WHAT ARE YOU DOING - Don't you realize this is all killing you! Why are you feeding this garbage to your kids and your loved ones - or even to yourself! But I don't say a thing. I am just thankful that I am no longer one of the blind.