Fish Pond people...


I converted an old hot tub into a fish pond, odd, I know but last year, about this time, we got sick of the cleaning, repairs, the electric bill, blah blah blah and just like everything else, we used the crap out of it the first few years we got it but by the 10th year, we barely used it anymore. My husband was ready to haul it out but after showing him some drawings and pictures of some old hot tubs converted to a fish pond, he decided that he'd be willing to make it a fish pond. We actually love having this pond. I've noticed that my family will sit outside for long extended periods of time just watching the fish or just sit outside and listen to the waterfall.

The picture I'm going to post was taken soon after the transformation and since that time, I've reduced the number of planters and installed a large umbrella that goes over the pond. That isn't the intent of my thread actually but I do want others who might be able to offer me some advise a visual of what I am working with. The center of the tub is 3 foot deep and it is 7 foot by 7 foot.

Anyway, last year it took months of calling and calling various pet stores but I finally got 2 Chinese hi fin banded sharks along with the fish I already had, bringing the total number of fish to 14. I should have lost some fish but I haven't. I already know that I should let the fish I have grow so we won't be getting anymore. I even had feeder gold fish survive and they are now 2 or 3 inches in size and 1 of those feeder fish only has 1 eye. Back to my question..... does anyone have hi fins in their pond? If so, how big are yours and in none of my readings, can I find out at what year they are consider full-grown. All I have been able to find out is that at 6 years old, they reach sexual maturity and can live 25 years.

I'm just a little concerned because I swear these hi fins have grown an inch bigger in the past week making them 5 or 6 inches now. I am thinking they will grow to the environment they are in? If they get too big, I am hoping I'll know somebody willing to take one of them and put it in their pond. As you can obviously see, the option to make my pond bigger isn't possible. I did find a link on the internet which I'm posting here to show how big this person's fish got. :yikes:

Also has anyone put Hornwort in their pond and what is your thoughts on that?


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Great idea! Another job well done!

Thank you... We really enjoy it as a pond and the deck space is just a relaxing place to be.

I'm actually surprised that I lost no fish over the winter expecially the hi fin sharks. I know it is a long shot finding anyone around here who has these in thier outdoor pond, but I thought I'd try. They do tolerate cold winters but because they are not easily bred in captivity, almost extint and have to be shipped from China they are hard to find. I think I paid $25 a piece for them which is actually a very good price but expensive for fish. I just wish I knew a bit more about them than I do.

I know... it makes little sense. Why get fish you know little about? And my only answer is "because I thought they were interesting." All the way home from the pet store my husband is yapping about the price but I think when they get bigger, he'll understand why I am so attracted to them. I've had them since June/July now.

Thanks Vrai :yay:


That statue I have leaned over the pond has a pee pee and a butt crack. It is the cutest damn thing.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Bass, panfish and a few catfish would be awesome additions. Plus if they get too big they could always become part of a fish fry.


PREMO Member
I guess I will be the A$$.
I like the pond, but not the location.
Wasted deck space.


Bass, panfish and a few catfish would be awesome additions. Plus if they get too big they could always become part of a fish fry.

:lol: You know I have heard those same words out of my husband's mouth.

I have a couple kois, one when bought was a solid black (the guy at Critter Corner practically gave him to me because he said nobody wants a black fish they will never see) but it is now getting orange coloring (which is very cool), a couple shubunkins and some feeder gold fish that are growing rather large now. I have one of those white and orange gold fish that look like they have a tumor on thier head (forgot the name of that type of gold fish). I really don't think I have room for more fish. These are just babies now and I already have 1 Koi a foot long.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I think it looks awesome! I can imagine that it is a very relaxing place to sit and reflect or read, *enjoying the quiet!


I guess I will be the A$$.
I like the pond, but not the location.
Wasted deck space.

We built the deck for the hot tub as an extension to a pre-existing deck. The deck below it is large plus I have a large patio off the lower deck.

When we first moved in the house, they had evergreen planted there which I thought strange to have around a swimming pool.


PREMO Member
We built the deck for the hot tub as an extension to a pre-existing deck. The deck below it is large plus I have a large patio off the lower deck.

When we first moved in the house, they had evergreen planted there which I thought strange to have around a swimming pool.

Oh, now that you explained it.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Where you suppose to sit?

On the deck? Like ON the deck. Or maybe there is room on the deck beside this one for a chair. Maybe there's room for a chaise lounge chair up beside the pond.


Oh, now that you explained it.

I have a picture taken from an upstairs window which might help. The pictures are older and we actually took that back fence further back, ripped out the garden to have a grassy area beyond the pool. Also note that where you think that deck ends is actually a gate we have on the deck. I have another couple of feet of deck on the other side of the staircase not seen in the picture. So it does have a large seating area. In fact, I have a table on the other side of that deck not seen for 2 people.


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Active Member
I have a picture taken from an upstairs window which might help. The pictures are older and we actually took that back fence further back, ripped out the garden to have a grassy area beyond the pool. Also note that where you think that deck ends is actually a gate we have on the deck. I have another couple of feet of deck on the other side of the staircase not seen in the picture. So it does have a large seating area. In fact, I have a table on the other side of that deck not seen for 2 people.
Very nice Dakota! I am impressed.


Very nice Dakota! I am impressed.

Thanks Roman.

And if anybody reading this thread has hi fin banded sharks, please please please let me know how long you have had yours, size, and any advice you'd be willing to give me.

I ended up ordering the Hornwort (which I think some call Coontail). I haven't decided if I am going to just drop them in or plant them in pots but from what I have read, they can tend to grow like crazy.


May have already read this one. But, if not..

Also, if unable to find someone willing to take one off your hands, when time comes, offer to sell back to store you scooped he/she up. Some do that.

Your backyard is beautiful. Makes me wanna dive in.


And thanks for this article actually - there were a few take-aways here....

1. A large environment will allow them to grow to their potential, usually topping out at about 3’ for very large specimens.

^^It sounds like they won't just grow 3 feet unless the environment will allow it, which is good... a 3 foot fish in a 7 foot pond might just suck badly... but the 1st comment under the article might mean I'm worrying for nothing because that person's fish died at 6-9 months. :boo:

2. Some of the foods you can feed them like seaweed sheets and quartered raw zucchini sticks which are things easy to find and not something I would have thought of feeding them.


Well-Known Member
no need to blush... I just swept acrossed article hoping had info you needed. It looked informative.