Five reasons the Trump campaign is in deep trouble.....


God bless the USA
We need that in a hurry.

I, also, meant to say that I agree with you in the big picture. Our choices suck big time. This is the worst election cycle ever! A corrupt politician and a corrupt business man. Crap! It couldn't get any worse, but I will vote for the corrupt business man because Hillary is totally toxic in so many ways.

I hope Trump wins because hub says we will throw our TV's, radios, computers, etc. away if Hillary is elected. He doesn't want to move to another country, but refuses to listen to her; much less look at her. The mute button will be out the window. :lol:

Edit: Also, there is a reason that a maverick like Trump would come out on top. Think about it. He won because the silent majority finally spoke out. For better or worse, Trump is the man to elect. I can't emphasize enough that he is the better pick over The Clinton Machine. I would have loved to see Carson or Huckabee win, but they didn't. Vote smart, America.
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Donkey Smell
I, also, meant to say that I agree with you in the big picture. Our choices suck big time. This is the worst election cycle ever! A corrupt politician and a corrupt business man. Crap! It couldn't get any worse, but I will vote for the corrupt business man because Hillary is totally toxic in so many ways.

I hope Trump wins because hub says we will throw our TV's, radios, computers, etc. away if Hillary is elected. He doesn't want to move to another country, but refuses to listen to her; much less look at her. The mute button will be out the window. :lol:

Your husband sounds just as kooky as you. Two peas in a pod and such.



God bless the USA
To stay on topic. I was born and raised in Louisiana. It is the most corrupt state in the Union. Did y'all know, the state still follows Napoleonic Law? The politicians are pieces of work; to say the least. And, the mafia runs rampant there. I went to school with many of their sons and daughters. Our governors have always been pieces of work. I dated David Treen's son at LSU. No thank you. Even though Treen had an R after his name, didn't mean he was a Repub. Look him up. That's all.
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God bless the USA
Your husband sounds just as kooky as you. Two peas in a pod and such.


Blow it out your nose, troll. You must not have a shiny reflection of yourself, anywhere. Walmart sells mirrors for cheap. That would be your speed. Just looking out for you. :lmao:

Edit: Were you ever in the military and fought for your country? Just wondering, and don't lie. Thanks ever so much.
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Active Member
the trump campaign is not in "deep trouble". Yes, he's down in the polls - that have already been busted out as rigged. But that aside, it's a long way to november and there hasn't been one single debate so far.

This is just a bull#### ploy to demoralize trump supporters so they'll lose interest, and if they can shake the donald as well, hurray. That's all it is: Bull####.



Well-Known Member
Not only have they had no debates the only thing we hear from Hillary are her advertisement, and her speeches. She hasn't answered a question from her friendly press in almost a year. She is running for President by staying under cover.


New Member
The Trump campaign is not in "deep trouble".

This is just a bull#### ploy to demoralize Trump supporters so they'll lose interest, .

Vraiblonde yes it is and you know it.People voted him in in the primary's and didn't think about the repercussions his flip flopping his outburst his general demeanor is like he really doesn't want the job and that is what is demoralizing to the Trump supporters like yourself and Bann.Yes there were other republican candidates that could have beaten Hillary but not Trump all of you thought it was a joke now you know that you are tied to a sinking ship.


PREMO Member
Typical republican spin,you all blew it and now that is your way of covering up that you made a shame out of the primary's.

I haven't blown #### .... I do not have a dog in this race, and never did

Sanders never made it out of the Primaries .... I was going for the Free S h i t and dope vote
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New Member
Stop it. They couldn't even beat Trump - how the hell are they going to beat Hillary??

Because they were politicians and knew how to campaign not do this horse and poney crap Trump does .People who know politics said Trump could not keep going into the general election like he had the primaries the question was could he change and the answer is ,No he can't.
Is Hillary a b,i,t,c,h yup but she knows politics just like her husband, are they good people ,no, but they are without question good politicians.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Because they were politicians and knew how to campaign not do this horse and poney crap Trump does .People who know politics said Trump could not keep going into the general election like he had the primaries the question was could he change and the answer is ,No he can't.
Is Hillary a b,i,t,c,h yup but she knows politics just like her husband, are they good people ,no, but they are without question good politicians.

Can you say that in English please?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Could be right. So we will, instead, be inflicted with the most incompetent and totally corrupt politician that ever ran. Great.

This is a contradictory statement. In the US, via the tax code and opportunities to bestow goodies on favored donors, being 'totally' corrupt simply equates to being very responsive to constituents needs. SO, in reality, she's HIGHLY competent.

I mean, think about it. What goes on in DC today that truly, in any sense, has a thing to do with some sort of 'good of the nation'? Pretty much anything that really needs to be done in terms of promoting the general welfare, civil rights, has long been done and anything else is either way too large for an individual to do much, war, Wall Street, immigration, or way too small and should be handled locally, not out of DC.

So, what's that leave a pol to do? Milton Friedman says we'll never have any sort of meaningful tax reform because, at present, it is not politically attractive for a pol to simply give up the one thing he has left to offer; special gifts in the tax code. We, as a people, would have to find a way to make it attractive to them to simplify things and good luck with that.

In any event, Hillary and Bill have simple long since decided to go big. I still don't know how they made it out of the 90's not in jail having taken dough from foreign gummints, a clear conflict with US national interests. I assume they simple have enough partners in the right places that, like Benghazi, like this server thing, if enough other kids are doing it, no one has any interest in turning anyone else in. Hang together or hand apart.

Trump's threat to the Clinton's has not one thing to do with what he may or may not do as President. It is ALL about everyone on Team Clinton, seen and unseen, being invested in their success. Shareholders, stock holders. At the end of every day, most things are about getting paid, putting food on the table, rewarding friends. :shrug: