Yeah, just keep telling yourself that.dems4me said:Thanks but I think animals sense animal lovers... she would never bite me :shrug:![]()
I like skunks, but I've always wanted a ferret. Don't think my dogs would go for it though. They just don't work and play well with others.pixiegirl said:A pet skunk! I remember seeing them being sold in a flea market in Florida when I was a kid. I stopped and asked the people about them and they told me they made great pets (like a cat) as long as they'd been depouched. I've wanted one ever since.
pixiegirl said:A pet skunk! I remember seeing them being sold in a flea market in Florida when I was a kid. I stopped and asked the people about them and they told me they made great pets (like a cat) as long as they'd been depouched. I've wanted one ever since.
Vince said:I like skunks, but I've always wanted a ferret. Don't think my dogs would go for it though. They just don't work and play well with others.
appyday said:I think basic black and whites are around $150 Rarer colors are more..that is decented. I think they are illegal in MD
Weird. I didn't know I was allergic to cats or dogs until I got allergy test done last week. And I've been around cats or dogs all my life. My mom always had a cat and now I've got two dogs. Now I found out I'm allergic to cats, dogs, dust, mold, and some kind of tree that is supposed to be native to Maryland. Started my allergy shots this week.pixiegirl said:Ferrets are the only thing in the world to date that I've found that I'm allergic to.One was living in my parents garage a couple years ago and I brought it inside and kept it until I found the owners. Worse couple days of my life as far as being sick are concerned. The weird thing is I've heard if you're allergic to ferrets then you should be allergic to cats as well. no probelms at all with cats.
appyday said:I dont know what to tell you Dems mabie the grey/white opossum has somthing orange on it or pee stains...get a dern pic of your friendly animal and get it over with
appyday said:Sorry Dems..but it is the truth...get some pics or lets try this..describe it again so we can get a better feel for it..
I know.dems4me said:The question wasn't aimed at you...![]()
jazz lady said:I found you a new av, too. Click on the picture to see the action.![]()
dems4me said:Actually that kind of reminds me of a joke I played on about 4 or 5 older manly man friends I was hanging out with at pool league several years ago ...... I went to the zoo with my ex fiance' for fun and I ended up taking lots of pictures of the animals.
Welll during the downtime at the pool hall, while other players were shooting we were all just sitting around and I decided to pull out the pictures.... I started talking about all these weird critters that were coming into my yard...and here -- LOOK!!! I have pictures of these... and I would show them the picture and ask... WTF are these :shrug:
All of the men would make up some BS nonexistant animal instead of saying they didn't know... it was commical... one guy would say it's one of those ughh... such and suchs and haven't seem them in a while around here and then the other guys would all agree with whoever guessed or made something up first......:
Then I showed them about 12 more criters pictures from the zoo, etc.... I was trying soooo hard not to laugh or say -- do you really think I'm an idiot :shrug:.. It was then that I realized I forgot to hide the picture of the dolphinsand the gig was up... we all laughed about it and I still tease the guys about it...
pixiegirl said:That was a WONDERFUL story.![]()