I'd love to know how Democrat Congresspukes feel about their party being taken over by dolts like AOC and Jasmine Crockett. Here's Mark Kelly and Chuck Schumer - US Senators - being told they better git and do OR ELSE by these two halfwits. Fauxcahontas and Mad Max and Crazy Maisie can batshit with the best of them, so they probably don't care as long as that sweet sweet graft is coming in, but serious elected officials.....I'm curious how they *really* feel about AOC and Crockett wielding all the power in the Party.
We know what Fetterman thinks - he tells them to piss up a rope. But Chuck is clearly terrified, and Mark did as he was told even though it made him look like a major league buffoon.
We know what Fetterman thinks - he tells them to piss up a rope. But Chuck is clearly terrified, and Mark did as he was told even though it made him look like a major league buffoon.