fooey on liberal leave, they really expect me to go in?


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Not happy about having to take annual leave to stay home today when I can't get out of the CRE, onto any of the main roads, or my driveway for that matter.

A "Closed" status would have made me much happier.

Anyone wanna come plow Reno Lane in CRE for me? Besides me, it doesn't look like any of my neighbors will be leaving today either. They're all stuck too.


Be about it
I think that sometimes the liberal leave policy is very crappy. It appears that most people are snowed-in, and have no choice about going in to work anyway. So you have to use a day of annual leave when you really don't wanna. Ahhh well, what can ya do!?


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by laureng Ahhh well, what can ya do!?

I always look at it the other way, I feel lucky that I have leave to cover me, some folks don't....Don't sweat the small stuff...:smile:



Anyone wanna come plow Reno Lane in CRE for me? Besides me, it doesn't look like any of my neighbors will be leaving today either. They're all stuck too.

Do you know if they have plowed the main roads in CRE?


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by sleuth14
Besides me, it doesn't look like any of my neighbors will be leaving today either. They're all stuck too.
Are you on a dirt/gravel road? Once you get to the paved roads you should be ok. All my neighbors made it out.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Re: Sleuth

Originally posted by Ridunno
Do you know if they have plowed the main roads in CRE?
Yes, they've been plowing since the other day. I was out on Sunday.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by otter
I always look at it the other way, I feel lucky that I have leave to cover me, some folks don't....Don't sweat the small stuff...:smile:
:yeahthat: Another day to not do all the stuff I should have done this weekend! :biggrin:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I didn't do any homework, I didn't pay the bills, I didn't do the laundry..... I did take a shower though. :biggrin:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by laureng
... and have no choice about going in to work anyway. So you have to use a day of annual leave when you really don't wanna. Ahhh well, what can ya do!?
Jam up the roads once with all the Fed traffic and I'll bet the policy would change after that!


Be about it
Originally posted by Kyle
Jam up the roads once with all the Fed traffic and I'll bet the policy would change after that!

Lol, yeah, really. There have been a ton of accidents up this way, people are wrecking all over the place. Even the beltway is in pretty rough condition, and normally that's always cleared up fairly well.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Liberal leave is an out for the budget of the base. If they can get the roads clear, the parking lots plowed and the entrance ways cleared they are open. Closing the station hits the overhead funds really hard and it is understandable why they chose to get the base open quickly.

Myself, I take the leave. This is based on two facts:
1) I have to burn a hundred and some odd hours of use or lose to get back to my carry over and;
2) I do not make more than the deductible for my auto insurance.

To each his own, but for the time being I will take the day of leave when it is offered and not expect any free gifts from the government.


New Member
My office is closed and I don't have to use any of my leave. The closing will be charged to administrative leave. :biggrin:

The roads around me were fine around noon Monday. Guess it pays to live in Charles County. :razz2:


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
They just now plowed out my lane to get to the main roads in CRE. I have some work to do at home today, so hopefully my program office will let me charge it to my program and not as leave.

John Z

if you will
I drove in today, from White Plains to NAS Pax. Rt 5 in Chuck County was snow covered, and got a lot better the instant I got to St. Mary's County. Strangely, when I got down to San Souci, they got worse. Probably because of the flurries this morning....

Good point about the overhead funds. If they called a 2 hour delay (which I would have recommended, because the roads were better on Friday 7 Feb than today, and there was a 2 hour delay then), would that still be a 2 hour hit on overhead funds?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by John Z
Good point about the overhead funds. If they called a 2 hour delay (which I would have recommended, because the roads were better on Friday 7 Feb than today, and there was a 2 hour delay then), would that still be a 2 hour hit on overhead funds?
It "could be" a hit on the overhead, but as many would still make it in on time, others two hours late, it would be hard to say the exact impact. Once they are in and are doing direct funded work it takes that loss off of the overhead. So from the business sense I don't see many full closures being given by the CO.


Originally posted by John Z

Good point about the overhead funds. If they called a 2 hour delay (which I would have recommended, because the roads were better on Friday 7 Feb than today, and there was a 2 hour delay then), would that still be a 2 hour hit on overhead funds?

That's actually my gripe. I can understand not closing the base, but it really bugs me that we get a few inches of snow and they have a 2 hour delay--then we have a truly major storm and we get virtually nothing.