Foot Odor


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Make him scrub those puppies with scrub brush and hot soapy water and dry well. Make sure it's not a foot fungus.


New Member
To get the smell out of stinky shoes use kitty litter.

Now, how did I miss this? :lol:

Kitty litter... well... I have never heard of such a thing! I'd be afraid the cats would think it was okay to use said shoe as their cat box.


I bought a scrub brush at the store over the weekend just for that purpose. :biggrin:

Dead Eye
Put shoes in a big Zip lock bag then into the deep freeze. This works by killing the bactera in the shoes.

Plenty of foot powder inside shoes and socks 3 times daily. Turn socks inside out to apply powder before wearing.

Repete as necessary.