Football Pool - Week 11


My Sweetest Boy
Bengals are poised to beat the Eagles in O/T with a minute to go.

edit: Nebbermind. Bengs turned it over on downs instead of kicking for three. Ends in a tie, ya don't see that too often. :lol:

:confused: Bengals missed the field goal.


Nothing to see here
Every year I am usually on top of the game or in the top three.
This year I have got behind and found out just how frustrating it can be to try and catch up.
I make picks that I normally wouldn't pick in some kind of lame effort to catch up,only to find it backfiring in my face over and over.:banghead:

:cheers: This is for all of us that are behind and play every week just for the hopes of having a good week.

Thank you very much Commissioner Otter..:cheers:

PS: Buddylee really sucks at this, but this year he has paid for a professional odds maker to make his picks for him.

:lol: Thats the thing, you get behind and start making picks against the grain..Slow and easy wins it, its not unusual for someone to be way ahead and then have a 3-5 point weekend and tighten things up. I know I get caught up in stuff, like this week where I read somewhere that Al Davis was gonna call plays for the raiders, plus the fact that the raiders had to come east..So glad I resisted and didn't take the dolphins as my 5 pt'er. lol Its funny, before I married I lived with a bookie who had ins with about 5 tout services, we could tell who was paying for their picks and the services they used 90 percent of the time. Those services aren't any better than flipping a coin most of the time.


Supper's Ready
OMG! I won my 5 pointer with no time on the clock!

Yeah, I was going through all that. Now it's back to the 11-10 final. You and Lord Stanley take it in the shorts on the fiver. :cheers:

That was confusing. :confused:


Hilarious..wonder how many people turned it off before the fumble...:lol:

Waht a bunch of BULL! They took back the TD? There was no illegal foward pass! The ref said touchdown after the review anyway!

Zebras kill me at all levels. :banghead:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Go ahead and smack talk. :karma:

It was a very sweet loss as far as the pool goes, though, for a minute you could hear the "gdamnit" throughout our home. I mean, if they had to lose, well, I needed it to be where it was.

Good luck to your Skins tonight. :yay: At least they stand a chance of making it to the play-offs.

P.S. Everything I have posted in the past 30 minutes has been against Otter's advice (except the good-will wishes for the Skins). :huggy:
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Supper's Ready
I've had a change of opinion in the Redskins v. Cowboys match-up. If my division doesn't mind I'd like to change my pick to the Redskins. If not, then I'll settle for the Boys.:coffee:

I take it your pick hasn't officially changed. :lmao:


New Member
Sitting at 10 points and once again I did not hit my 5er. :doh:

I could be awsome if I would just hit a few of them :bawl: