Football Pool - Wildcard Round


All Up In Your Grill
Wow...Good game!

(Hey, can someone tell Andy that this actually was a good game and to stop being to damn pissy all the time...)

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Yeah, I hope you win. I'm just a sore loser for the first 30 seconds - I get over it before we hit the clubhouse.

Not me. I NEVER get over it. I just say things like 'play well and enjoy the results' to try and not be the poor loser, poor sport that I am in my DNA.



Not me. I NEVER get over it. I just say things like 'play well and enjoy the results' to try and not be the poor loser, poor sport that I am in my DNA.


Remember the first SOMD Kahuna Classic when I played way over my head and kicked your ass? I do :lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Exactly, I hope this game is the start of some exciting games for next weekend.

Colts/Ravens is gonna be a great game. Ravens gonna win.

Cowboys/Vikes will be a great game, pick 'em.

Arizona/Saints will have an over/under of about 150


Jets/Chargers is gonna be a great one. Chargers for BS gal!

Not me. I NEVER get over it. I just say things like 'play well and enjoy the results' to try and not be the poor loser, poor sport that I am in my DNA.


Yeah, but the next competition starts as soon as the current one ends - or at least, the head games for it do. If you act like a gracious loser, then it dulls their competitive edge a little.

Besides, you want a friendly atmosphere for when you say, 'let's play for 20 next time.' :lol: