Football Practice


New Member
Are you going today to the practice? I wonder if the 85lb boys are going to practice with the 95lb again today.


New Member
cdsulhoff said:
Are you going today to the practice? I wonder if the 85lb boys are going to practice with the 95lb again today.

Yes were going today. They are suspose to wear full gear right?


New Member
stlrnd4 said:
Yes were going today. They are supposed to wear full gear right?

Yes, they did last night as well. I felt so bad for those kids. I was in shorts and a t-shirt and I wanted to die out there. Both of my boys were just drenched in sweat.


New Member
cdsulhoff said:
Yes, they did last night as well. I felt so bad for those kids. I was in shorts and a t-shirt and I wanted to die out there. Both of my boys were just drenched in sweat.

Its going to be just as hot today. This is new this year with the boys warming up together. Maybe they will call practice early.


New Member
stlrnd4 said:
Its going to be just as hot today. This is new this year with the boys warming up together. Maybe they will call practice early.

Oh I know. you should see the warm up with the peewee, 65lb and 75lb. I have been with the Steelers for 4 years now. My youngest 4th year playing but my oldest 2 year playing..Can't even get to the end of the week with out drama starting.. One lady is mad as all get out because her son is going to be placed on either the B or C team.. She thinks she and her family are black ball and that they have something against her.. LOL :lmao:. Hubby and I just started to laugh. She even told her son that the coach doesnt think he is good enough to play for the A team and he is going to be playing for the other kids that don't know how to play. And her son just scream on the top of his lungs.. Why would you tell your kid that? What is wrong with some of these parents. I wanted to slap the crap out of her. Then she says to the team mom the great so my son is going to be on a team where they get the #### kick out of them at every game...
Honestly you got a kid that is not a football player( can't play worth a lick) and you have a mother that screams at him every other second.. I made the mistake sitting next to her. Now my ears are ringing today..


New Member
cdsulhoff said:
Oh I know. you should see the warm up with the peewee, 65lb and 75lb. I have been with the Steelers for 4 years now. My youngest 4th year playing but my oldest 2 year playing..Can't even get to the end of the week with out drama starting.. One lady is mad as all get out because her son is going to be placed on either the B or C team.. She thinks she and her family are black ball and that they have something against her.. LOL :lmao:. Hubby and I just started to laugh. She even told her son that the coach doesnt think he is good enough to play for the A team and he is going to be playing for the other kids that don't know how to play. And her son just scream on the top of his lungs.. Why would you tell your kid that? What is wrong with some of these parents. I wanted to slap the crap out of her. Then she says to the team mom the great so my son is going to be on a team where they get the #### kick out of them at every game...
Honestly you got a kid that is not a football player( can't play worth a lick) and you have a mother that screams at him every other second.. I made the mistake sitting next to her. Now my ears are ringing today..

I hate parents like that, their child is the greatest and they should only be with the best. Maybe this is how some of the professionals started with their attitudes.

I've been lucky so far, seems the same parents are coming back this year no drama last year. We have some new ones and a girl on our team, I hope she does well.


New Member
stlrnd4 said:
I hate parents like that, their child is the greatest and they should only be with the best. Maybe this is how some of the professionals started with their attitudes.

I've been lucky so far, seems the same parents are coming back this year no drama last year. We have some new ones and a girl on our team, I hope she does well.

Yeah I saw that you all have a girl on the team. Lets see how she does when they start hitting.. We had a girl on the 75lb last year but once we got into a couple of games she quit. But then again you never know, she could really kick some butt.. We have a little girl on our team that puts half of those boys to shame..


New Member
Parents can indeed be extremely cruel. However I must say that one comment you made was kind of cruel in and of itslef "a kid that can't play worth a lick"!! I mean at the young age of 7,8,9 or whatever, is anyone really 'that' good? I coach Pee Wee, and this is all brand new to me, I am just concerned when I hear someone say that another kid isn't any good. I am not accusing you, I could have very easily misinterpreted your post, a very easy thing to do when reading a computer screen. I agree with your post in general, meaning that parents should be supportive of a coaches decision. Not every child will be able to play on one team, the teams are broken down to ensure playing time for each child. I can only hope that this parent will in time be able to wise up, maybe she can see that through supportive words and comments, her little man will grow into a much stronger willed human being. The best of luck to all of the little ones out there this year, from the flag to the unlimiteds!!!!


New Member
big_poppa said:
Parents can indeed be extremely cruel. However I must say that one comment you made was kind of cruel in and of itslef "a kid that can't play worth a lick"!! I mean at the young age of 7,8,9 or whatever, is anyone really 'that' good? I coach Pee Wee, and this is all brand new to me, I am just concerned when I hear someone say that another kid isn't any good. I am not accusing you, I could have very easily misinterpreted your post, a very easy thing to do when reading a computer screen. I agree with your post in general, meaning that parents should be supportive of a coaches decision. Not every child will be able to play on one team, the teams are broken down to ensure playing time for each child. I can only hope that this parent will in time be able to wise up, maybe she can see that through supportive words and comments, her little man will grow into a much stronger willed human being. The best of luck to all of the little ones out there this year, from the flag to the unlimiteds!!!!

Most parents I have meet have been very supportive of their kids and try to teach them when they see they need some help. But there are some out there that talk down to the kids or think that they can do no wrong and take things out on the coach. Which is completly wrong.

I think that the parent was telling her kid that he wasnt any good that he couldnt play on the A team.

I wish you the best, like I said most parents are very supportive and will help in any way they can.


New Member
I agre MOST parents can be, I should have put some parents can be mean and cruel. You are right, sorry about that. Thanks though, I would not want people to think that I was talking about all parents, after all my oldest plays too.