I'm amazed at how parents think children are entitled to a college education.
If you want to pay for it, fine. I say let them earn it on their own.
I'm a wench like that.
Cry when your children party it up, and don't show anything for what you felt was expected from you, and what they took because you allowed them to do so.
They are 18 years old, and can vote. They are adults.
You give them the money to piss away, why wouldn't they?
I MIGHT buy burgers from a joint my child is flinging burgers at IF I LIKE IT. Otherwise, I will go to the competitor. I'm a wench like that.
Have parents turned into total wussies?
There are scholarships galore, yet many worry about their child's fundraisers, first car, clothes, dating, and dances.
Get a grip!