For or against tariffs?


Well-Known Member
And yet *somebody* is farming if we can not only feed ourselves but send food to other countries.

You know, you guys who live in rural areas see small farms, but if you head west you see serious commercial farms because they have the land for it.
And the fact is a LOT of those farm workers (rural or not) are immigrants (illegal or not) so what happens when those workers are 'removed' or just plain up and quit? Are you expecting the "hard working citizens of the USA" to fill those jobs?
You are correct that 'somebody' is farming.... NOW. What about a year or two from now?
Food for thought...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And the fact is a LOT of those farm workers (rural or not) are immigrants (illegal or not) so what happens when those workers are 'removed' or just plain up and quit? Are you expecting the "hard working citizens of the USA" to fill those jobs?
You are correct that 'somebody' is farming.... NOW. What about a year or two from now?
Food for thought...

Then I guess we'll all starve to death. 🤷‍♀️

Might as well kill ourselves now, right? I mean, what's the point? Everyone is a government employee and nobody is a farmer, and we can't eat government, so might as well go ahead and die right now since it's hopeless. If we want someone to pick our crops we also have to have the violent drug and trafficking gangs killing our children. Just no way around it, right?


Well-Known Member
Then I guess we'll all starve to death. 🤷‍♀️

Might as well kill ourselves now, right? I mean, what's the point? Everyone is a government employee and nobody is a farmer, and we can't eat government, so might as well go ahead and die right now since it's hopeless. If we want someone to pick our crops we also have to have the violent drug and trafficking gangs killing our children. Just no way around it, right?
Nope. My point is... prepare to open up that wallet or purse a lot wider when you are grocery shopping :yay:


Well-Known Member
And the fact is a LOT of those farm workers (rural or not) are immigrants (illegal or not) so what happens when those workers are 'removed' or just plain up and quit? Are you expecting the "hard working citizens of the USA" to fill those jobs?
You are correct that 'somebody' is farming.... NOW. What about a year or two from now?
Food for thought...
I think farm work would be an excellent opportunity to put prisoners and those who have to complete community service to work paying back what they owe to our society.


Well-Known Member
There is a proper way to come to America to work and to live.
Let's give that a try instead of opening the border to anyone who can walk or crawl across.

I would like to see a plan to allow these illegals to apply to stay if they are working.
If they have jobs and show up give them a chance to stay, If they are living off us and staying in shelters send them home.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
There is a proper way to come to America to work and to live.
Let's give that a try instead of opening the border to anyone who can walk or crawl across.

You bet. We've had migrant workers in this country like always, but they came in legally and we knew who they were. They weren't freaking sex traffickers and drug mules who just waltzed in and disappeared in some libprog city.


PREMO Member
Personally I am for equal tariffs, hard to say what is equivalent though.

I think playing a game of chicken with them is going to kill the short term economy though.

Listen to Rubio explain what is going on ... I posted in the Rubio Thread Yesterday

Tariffs are UNEQUAL ... like Canadian Milk import 227% tariff on our milk going North

Trump wants to RESET tariffs for equality


Well-Known Member
And the fact is a LOT of those farm workers (rural or not) are immigrants (illegal or not) so what happens when those workers are 'removed' or just plain up and quit? Are you expecting the "hard working citizens of the USA" to fill those jobs?
You are correct that 'somebody' is farming.... NOW. What about a year or two from now?
Food for thought...
I don't drink much at all anymore BUT........ crabs and beer, gotta have.


Well-Known Member
But we could make those here. We freaking invented them here.
Yes and no-ish. We are technologically capable, but hampered by IP laws. That cool nordic company (ASML) that makes the secret recipe lithography equipment that the most advanced chip development relies upon didn't develop the underlined tech, it was developed by Cymer in San Diego. They bought Cymer shortly afterwards. China could probably do so as well, but not without the entire world knowing they did so.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

There is pretty much nothing that we can't make here to provide for ourselves. But greedy robber barons with a complicit congress' sold out the people of this Nation.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I'm guessing for Canada the idea is for Canadians to buy local and not US milk. Not sure how they're fixed for cows in Canada, so that's either a good deal or a stupid deal, depending. I have a sense that they don't have a lot of agriculture in Canada just because of the climate but I could be wrong. So jacking up the price of milk or making it scarce seems like the work of Commie overlords.

But I really don't know exactly how it works and I'm happy to get an education. 🤷‍♀️
It may be that dairy is subsidized by the US government so they have the tariff to keep us from flooding their market.