For the jumpers, cross country and trail riders


New Member
I want to go, can anybody give me a ride? Still haven't found a trailer yet, still looking though. My horse is 16.1 hds and is over at flat iron farm in St Mary's. I am not going to lie, she does paw with front hooves. Front loaders are great, nothing she can hit,lol. Let me know.
Thanks, Jackie and Calla Lilly


What Would Winn Dixie Do?
persimmoncf said:
That was a ride here we had years with SMTR. We had a huge rain the night before and the creek crossing went to sh*t. I beleive I cried the whole way cause I felt so bad about it. :frown:

We had 97 horses on that ride and the bottom of that creek turn to soup by the 50th horse or so.

We now have a bridge there...thank the Lord!

Yup, that was it. We rode out pretty much towards the end of the pack. Lots of people turned back, wasn't so bad though if you avoided the crazy people.


New Member
WWWDD said:
Yup, that was it. We rode out pretty much towards the end of the pack. Lots of people turned back, wasn't so bad though if you avoided the crazy people.

That was my first and last ride with SMTR. I just figured they were all pretty much like that. :whistle: It seemed like we were the only ones who turned around at the time. Glad to hear that's not the case!


Persimmon Creek Farm
Sparks said:
That was my first and last ride with SMTR. I just figured they were all pretty much like that. :whistle: It seemed like we were the only ones who turned around at the time. Glad to hear that's not the case!

Please dont judge SMTR on that one trail ride from years ago. PCF has hosted rides here since then with great success. That was an extraodinary day. We were swamped with downpours the night before...We cross the streams and bottoms here after rains with little to moderate difficulties. That morning I was SHOCKED to find a sea of riders showing up. At the before ride briefing I made sure the 90 some riders knew my concerns about the rains, creeks and hills. We already have very challenging trails here and we note that on the flier.

After a herd of horses in front, riders were going off trail or crossing were it wasnt marked to go around the punched mud.
This was where the couple on the Tenn walkers found their trouble...the area off to the right was taped off cause it is not crossable. But the fellow crossed there and found his horse in belly deep mud. I understand that they made it out with out injuries. We now have a bridge in that very location. MyGoldenHorse can tell you it took her years to talk me into having another organized SMTR ride.

Yall want to come over and go for a trail ride :lmao: After a heavy rain. (just dont bring 100 horses with ya.)
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What Would Winn Dixie Do?
persimmoncf said:
what type of craziness did you see? Just curious :popcorn:

The people hauling ass down the trails. I can see walking/trotting(jogging) and even cantering/loping where there is space, but full out galloping when there are other people on the trail? Overall it was very nice. Those same crazy people end up on every trail ride. No big deal.


Does my butt look big?
I have been going to SMTR for a couple years now and have never had problems like you say...We have some great great rides and lots of fun..


persimmoncf said:
:yay: Thanks are very computer savvy :nerd:

Haha, I'm a nerd! :lmao: I have a friend riding at the MD Horse and Pony show and I told her I'd try to take pictures. But, if she doesn't have classes that day I'd love to come!

I used to be a member of SMTR and then I went to college, yuk. My new mare and I are scheduled to do a trial trail ride next weekend. If all is good I'll bring her and Ruby (if I can find someone who needs a horse to ride). Otherwise I'll show up with Peanut and tag along with some if they don't mind.

And, I can bring my little mini camera and see how it does. I bought the darn thing and have hardly been able to use it.


Ahhhh Florida!
Sparks said:
I won't now :huggy: I'm thinking of going to the ride on the 8th actually.
Yes...the trail on the 8th is for whimps like me! Come along and be a whimp like me. I am going to ride Sadie! Phyxius I need your horses big ole bootie to keep my horse in the pack!


Sadielady said:
Yes...the trail on the 8th is for whimps like me! Come along and be a whimp like me. I am going to ride Sadie! Phyxius I need your horses big ole bootie to keep my horse in the pack!

We'll be there! We'll have Annie in the lead (Belgian mare) Then Octavia can go, then Sadie and Eve. My QH mare is coming too so she can ride drag and push ya along. :-Þ


New Member
i'll be there on a trail-friendly horse. or pony. a model trail student in fact, to set a good example for the new pupils.


Chevy Is Da BOMB!!!!
I rode Skyview last year on my Arabian and boy was it fun... I'm planning to ride it English and do some of the bigger jumps... i did the little jumps last year... i cant Wait for it... Just Stay Clear Of The Jumps When It Is My Tern... I really don't want to run anybody over... :lmao: LOL :lmao:
Cant Wait to see yall
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persimmoncf said:
Please dont judge SMTR on that one trail ride from years ago. PCF has hosted rides here since then with great success. That was an extraodinary day. We were swamped with downpours the night before...We cross the streams and bottoms here after rains with little to moderate difficulties. That morning I was SHOCKED to find a sea of riders showing up. At the before ride briefing I made sure the 90 some riders knew my concerns about the rains, creeks and hills. We already have very challenging trails here and we note that on the flier.

After a herd of horses in front, riders were going off trail or crossing were it wasnt marked to go around the punched mud.
This was where the couple on the Tenn walkers found their trouble...the area off to the right was taped off cause it is not crossable. But the fellow crossed there and found his horse in belly deep mud. I understand that they made it out with out injuries. We now have a bridge in that very location. MyGoldenHorse can tell you it took her years to talk me into having another organized SMTR ride.

Yall want to come over and go for a trail ride :lmao: After a heavy rain. (just dont bring 100 horses with ya.)

:howdy: That was a great ride, a little challenging for this new be, but really enjoyed the ride, the conversation and food afterwards...I'm blessed with a really good boy that takes care of his momma....we did have a little trouble at that one crossing but found our way across safely.... that was about a year and 1/2 ago because I had just gotten a new trailer that April and almost got stuck going up the hill leaving that day. We've been hoping we would have the opportunity to come back and ride your trails one day.....


Cowgirl Up
persimmoncf said:
We now have a bridge in that very location. MyGoldenHorse can tell you it took her years to talk me into having another organized SMTR ride.

Yes poor Percy was traumatized after that ride, but they have done alot of work putting in a bridge so the problem with the mud is better.

This trail ride at Skyview has a terain that is great for all riders. It is probably by far our easiest trail ride of the year.


New Member
Hi there, was thinking on going on this ride, but from this thread am egtting that its a fairly fast paced ride with jumping?? Would someone a little more knowledgeable please fill me in a bit? Thanks and this is a neat forum. ElliesMom.


Leap Of Faith Farm
ElliesMom said:
Hi there, was thinking on going on this ride, but from this thread am egtting that its a fairly fast paced ride with jumping??

:howdy: I rode this ride last year and there is a lot of riders that ride at their own pace and as far as the jumps you do not have to jump you can go around them (I Did) So yes if you would like to come that would be great the SMTR Family would like to have you .. We always have a good , safe ride and food after the ride is for sale ..


New Member
Hello...I'm a newbie. Thanks to meeting Percy, it'll be my first SMTR. I'll ride w/ EM in the back. lol . It sounds like alot fun...can't wait. :howdy: