For those of you who don't know me


I'm Baaaack!
I might as well introduce myself. I am Eco, but now I have a 2 because “eco” is still banned here. I was here about a year ago, and I guess I was not on my best behaviour, since I was banned fairly quickly. I joined another group of some of you on here shortly after that, and slowly but surely made some nice friends on there (you know who you are).

There was a thread on that board about SOMD not too long ago, which peaked my interest, and I decided to come back and see the changes over the last year (there seems to be quite a few).

Obvious question is, why would a Montréaler, let alone Canadian, come to this site to begin with? It was shown to me by someone living in your state, and I just like to shoot the sht, you’ll notice I stay away from all MD specific topics lol.

Anyways, that’s my story. Hope I’m welcome….*ducks to avoid tomatoes*
Post your recent "hottie on travel in a bikini" photo and they will be throwing pearl neckaces rather than tomatoes...:lol:


New Member
they will get over it
Eco2 said:
I might as well introduce myself. I am Eco, but now I have a 2 because “eco” is still banned here. I was here about a year ago, and I guess I was not on my best behaviour, since I was banned fairly quickly. I joined another group of some of you on here shortly after that, and slowly but surely made some nice friends on there (you know who you are).

There was a thread on that board about SOMD not too long ago, which peaked my interest, and I decided to come back and see the changes over the last year (there seems to be quite a few).

Obvious question is, why would a Montréaler, let alone Canadian, come to this site to begin with? It was shown to me by someone living in your state, and I just like to shoot the sht, you’ll notice I stay away from all MD specific topics lol.

:oops: :shocked: :shocking:
J/K welcum :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy so you know how to push buttons too :high5: :shrug: me too :lmao: :lmao:
Anyways, that’s my story. Hope I’m welcome….*ducks to avoid tomatoes*


I'm Baaaack!
kwillia said:
Post your recent "hottie on travel in a bikini" photo and they will be throwing pearl neckaces rather than tomatoes...:lol:

Oh I wouldn’t dare, Message board reputations should be based on their posts, not their looks! (errr....come to think of it, maybe I should :lmao: )

Somdcrab, I could SO tell you and I were alike in that regard. Way to be :yay: . Funny thing is, some of those I pushed buttons vigorously have become some of my favorite posters.


I'm Baaaack!
Bogart said:
Please don't bring any of those whiney *******s back with you.

Yup, you remember me well I take it. No worries. And actually, I didn't bring them over, the person who lives in MD who found the site did.

But again, no worries.


New Member
Eco2 said:
Oh I wouldn’t dare, Message board reputations should be based on their posts, not their looks! (errr....come to think of it, maybe I should :lmao: )

Somdcrab, I could SO tell you and I were alike in that regard. Way to be :yay: . Funny thing is, some of those I pushed buttons vigorously have become some of my favorite posters.

AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now if they would just catch on hmmmmmmmmmm :confused: :tap: :tap: and get with the program

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :yay:
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jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Eco2 said:
I’ll just settle for someone telling me on earth an artic clipper is….??
It's when the cold Arctic air comes tumbling down from Canada into the US and makes us freeze our butts off here in Maryland. It's also called an Alberta Clipper.


New Member
Eco2 said:
I’ll just settle for someone telling me on earth an artic clipper is….??

its one of dem thar right wing *log cabin republican * codes eco hes gay tryin to pick you up i reckon :confused: :confused: , they kinda undacover read about em in readers digestive :ohwell:


New Member
Eco2 said:
I’ll just settle for someone telling me on earth an artic clipper is….??

yasterday the same feller was lookin fer a *rump rodeo* pardener they cant fool ol' crab even iff'n they in da closet :gossip: :shocking: :nono:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
somdcrab said:
its one of dem thar right wing *log cabin republican * codes eco hes gay tryin to pick you up i reckon :confused: :confused: , they kinda undacover read about em in readers digestive :ohwell:
Eco, do you really need to know any more about Somdcrab beyond this post and the string of red below his name?