For those who still think Google isn't biased Left


PREMO Member
Reports: Google Fires Another Conservative Employee Who Spoke Out Against Company's Bias

These outrage mobs and witch hunts don’t just target outsiders like CPAC and [Heritage Foundation president] Kay Coles James. They also target insiders and Google’s own employees. But whether the target is external or internal, the goal of these outrage mobs and witch hunts is the same: to control who belongs at Google. More importantly, if you can control who belongs at Google, then you can also control what contentbelongs on Google. If the people who work at Google — or who feel psychologically safe expressing their opinions at Google — are only the ones who think that CPAC and Kay Coles Jame are hateful, then don’t be surprised if, one day in the future, hate speech is used as a pretext to censor CPAC or Kay Coles James and remove their content from Google’s platforms.


Well-Known Member
Yes Google is biased, but it is also a "thinking" search engine so it is able to be tricked into giving results that people want it to give.

At one point you could type in "Black People" and google would suggest "stole my car" as the rest of the search.