It is EASY if you do it intelligently.
What is the core problem? People not paying their mortgages. There is no such thing as a bad loan until the person who owes it stops paying it, regardless of whether or not they should have ever gotten a loan.
So, do you give money to insurers and banks? No. They've proven to have poor judgement. You do not, CAN NOT reward this. If they can't attract capital from investors, that is ALL you need to know; they've been judged to be not worth it.
You put the money where the problem is; housing. I've written the plan and, so far, one administration has totally ignored it to the peril of the nation. Hopefully, we'll see some change and the new people will see the wisdom of the Gude Plan.
You take $1 trillion and put it into the 20 million lowest assessed value homes in America. That's $50,000 per home. One per individual, owner occupied home, so, too bad for investors who bought three condo's in Vegas.
You set up a credit for that $50k that pays their existing mortgage for however long it lasts. If your mortgage is $2,000, that's 25 months.
If you sell within the next 5 years, you have to pay back the full $50k. If you sell in 6 years, you get to keep 20%. 7 years, 40% and so on up to 10 years.
You pay cap gains on the percentage you got to keep.
This INSTANTLY frees up money for the people who need it most; home owners. It gets payments going for the people who need help the second most, the people who own the mortgages. Their book values improve, dramatically, over night because there will be known stability. This frees up money for the people who need it third most, all of us, via the improvement in the economy as a whole.
Had this been done, as I wanted, before Christmas, retailers would have had a boom and employment would have soared. If it happens now, the same thing will happen because the money people would have had to struggle to put into their mortgages will now be freed up to pay down credit card debt and get out there and consume.
So, Obama, if you're listening, take a trillion in TARP money back from the people who should NOT have been given it, AIG and so forth, the auto manufacturers, all of them, and put it where the problem is.
To a grateful nation, I say you're welcome.