Forgive My Intrusion...


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Every time I scroll down the page looking for new titles, I see "How gay are you?". I know that's not what it says, but just how my mind sometimes sees it. I'm not any graduation of gay, or gray for that mater, and I just wanted to bump the thread from the starting position. I apologize for the intrusion.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hmmm....subliminal conditioning.....

So how gay ARE you?

Me, I'm pretty gay. If it weren't for the sex I'd definitely be a lesbian. But some day I'll come out and go scratching at Tammy Bruce's door.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Hmmm....subliminal conditioning.....

So how gay ARE you?

Me, I'm pretty gay. If it weren't for the sex I'd definitely be a lesbian. But some day I'll come out and go scratching at Tammy Bruce's door.
I do love me some Tammy Bruce! :dance:


Well-Known Member
Now that the door is open, I’m a lesbian trapped in a males body. Can I dye my hair blue and play soccer???


Well-Known Member
I was patiently waiting for the thread to turn to the topic of gray pubes.
Due to my occupational requirements, I have to mitigate foliage.. check me out on grampas bloopers on the sexy senior websites.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Now that the door is open, I’m a lesbian trapped in a males body.
And here I thought I was all alone all these years. I will assume you mean a butch, correct? If not, I have nothing further to say on this subject.