Forum Talent Exhibition

Should there be a Forum Talent Exhibition?

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New Member
Should it be individual or teams :confused: I was thinking people could form teams in their personal forum.


I can burp and fart at the same time.:howdy:

Go ahead and try.:popcorn: It's not as easy as it sounds.:whistle:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Patch Tuesday said:
I'm holding out for the chick that can put her legs behind her head...
They all can do that with a little help. :biggrin:

Larry Gude said:
...a heavy metal category! Instrumental.
Learning the harp out here, slowly but I got so much time on my hand so it gets a lot of practice, mostly outdoors. Just started reading the sheet music for a C chord and figuring the harmonica out. SOMD Geezer Band (AKA - Larry's Band) :cool:

I've got a 22 month old .. I can ride around on my unicycle with him on my shoulders.. howz zat??
If you did that on a balcony I bet Michael Jackson would vote for you