Free Speech - Only if we agree with it


Well-Known Member
I disagree in part. People standing at the end of my driveway, yet still on public property, blocking me from leaving my driveway is impeding my freedom of movement. This isn't a matter of convenience, it's a matter of one exercising their rights that result in infringing on someone else's rights. We do agree that our government should not pass laws that criminalize forms of free speech. Folks on here should be smart enough to know that once you go down this road, just about anything deemed offensive can be banned. And don't think our government won't do it.

The scenario didn't involve blocking my driveway.


Power with Control
I interpreted

as blocking your driveway so you can't leave your property.

Well, then you call the nice officers to come take the filthy hippies away. After properly applying the correct amount of capsaicin prewash rinse aid to said filthy hippies, of course. Studies have found that once you apply the prewash rinse, they are much more compliant when it comes time to wash them off with the hose.....


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
As for inconveniencing people and getting arrested, those have both been standard tactics of protest for as long as we have had government.

"Because that's the way it's always been" isn't good enough for me.

You protest in a way that intentionally breaks the law so as to bring visabiliy to the subject and to force the government to do something about it. It's part of a free society

This is flat out stupid. And here I am, responding to you again. :banghead:


Well-Known Member
"Because that's the way it's always been" isn't good enough for me.

This is flat out stupid. And here I am, responding to you again. :banghead:



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Well, then you call the nice officers to come take the filthy hippies away. After properly applying the correct amount of capsaicin prewash rinse aid to said filthy hippies, of course. Studies have found that once you apply the prewash rinse, they are much more compliant when it comes time to wash them off with the hose.....

Except the nice officers may or may not respond, depending on how pissed off their bosses will be by them restricting some filthy hippie's right to protest.

About flag burning: if they arrest them for burning without a permit, I'm okay with that. Whatever works and makes everybody feel good about themselves, like they're all compassionate and progressive and chit, yet effectively prohibits these stupid kindergarten outbursts. It's interesting that I can't smoke in a bar because it offends the oh so sensitive and they have rights, damn it! Yet some nozzle can burn stuff and block roadways, and somehow my rights...pffft, #### that. I was under the impression that we all had rights in this country, not just the permanently aggrieved.

Perhaps if we make burning the flag a criminal act, punishable by death, the mouth breathers will come up with a more mature and effective way to get their point across. I'd consider that a good enough reason.


PREMO Member
Folks on here should be smart enough to know that once you go down this road, just about anything deemed offensive can be banned. And don't think our government won't do it.

we are already going down this road .... progressives are licking their lips in anticipation of enacting speech restrictions like are in place in Canada and Europe.

go ahead and write an 'anti' Gay or Muslim news article and see where you land .... look at college campuses - it is only a matter of time, until criticizing someone becomes have speech and you end up in jail


That's a separate issue than simply sitting at the end of my driveway.

It is, and we agree on that. However, I wouldn't tolerate people loitering around my front yard, even if on public property, in an effort to protest me or my family. It does get to a point where it becomes a huge distraction and an infringement on my privacy. I would simply have the cops remove them; but certainly no criminal charges.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It is, and we agree on that. However, I wouldn't tolerate people loitering around my front yard, even if on public property, in an effort to protest me or my family. It does get to a point where it becomes a huge distraction and an infringement on my privacy. I would simply have the cops remove them; but certainly no criminal charges.

Why would the cops remove them if they're not committing a crime?


Well-Known Member
It is, and we agree on that. However, I wouldn't tolerate people loitering around my front yard, even if on public property, in an effort to protest me or my family. It does get to a point where it becomes a huge distraction and an infringement on my privacy. I would simply have the cops remove them; but certainly no criminal charges.

The cops wouldn't do anything, and I think this comes from me knowing what's at the end of my driveway, and you knowing what's at the end of yours, but neither of us know about each other's. (Hope that made sense :lol:)

If they want to sit at the end of my driveway and act childish, they'll have to chant a bit louder than my 75dB leaf blower BBBRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA as hats and burnt flags go flying everywhere. Then I'd water the flowers around my mailbox. I have high water pressure so sometime the hose may take on a mind of its own and spray the living #### out of everyone. It happens.

Why would the cops remove them if they're not committing a crime?

MY question as well.


Well-Known Member
"Because that's the way it's always been" isn't good enough for me.

This is flat out stupid. And here I am, responding to you again. :banghead:
No, you are flat out stupid. You next post proves it. Do you know how many times MLK was arrested? You really ought to look it up. Ghandi, yeah, you need to look that one up too.

This right here ^^^^^

And thank you - I had that in one of my brain recesses and it wouldn't come forward. :yay:


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I'm waiting for Hillary to chime in on this, but she's too busy not accepting the results of the election.