Freedom of Speech


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  • Republican voters (74%) and independents (61%) believe speech should be legal “under any circumstances, while Democrats are almost evenly divided. A bare majority of Democrats (53%) say speech should be legal under any circumstances, while 47% say it should be legal “only under certain circumstances.”
  • Nearly one-third of Democratic voters (34%) say Americans have “too much freedom.” This compared to 14.6% of Republicans. Republicans were most likely to say Americans have too little freedom (46%), while only 22% of Democrats feel that way. Independents were in the middle in both categories.
  • Although majorities of Democrats, Republicans, and independents agree the news media should be able to report stories they believe are in the national interest, this consensus shifts when it comes to social media censorship. A majority of Democrats (52%) approve of the government censoring social media content under the rubric of protecting national security. Among Republicans and independents, this percentage is only one-third.
  • Poll respondents were read this statement: “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Only 31% of Democratic voters “strongly agreed” with that sentiment, compared to 51% of Republicans.

Interesting article, but not the tiniest bit surprising to me or any other conservative. Sounds surprising to the author who hints that popular opinion is that it is REPUBLICANS who are the authoritarians.


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Pelosi and her J-6 schemes were one of the most egregious acts against free speech ever.
She and her actions against Republicans and the un-Constitutional jailing of people who entered the capitol was meant to inhibit and stop protests ate the mall and at the Capitol . Many people are now frightened to go to protests, and rightfully so.

These people have been in jail with no bail and no trial for 2 1/2 years now. POLITICAL PRISONERS of the Democrat party.
And what have the Republicans done to se that their civil rights are returned to them.

Thay aint done dick. That's as simple as I can put it.


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That after two and a half years - after all those J6 people were rounded up and charged with trespassing in the Capitol (the gist of most of the charges is that they were inside, illegally, after having the doors opened for them) - after all this time ---

Ray Epps has finally been charged.

Yep. The ONLY PERSON on film, repeatedly insisting to charge the Capitol - who physically attacked the police - the one many people think was working for DoJ - was FINALLY charged with a crime.

A misdemeanor.

Is there still any doubt whose "side" he was on?


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, anyone who was protesting outside of the Capitol that day was absolutely within their rights to do so. Anyone who broke windows, busted down doors, and destroyed property once inside gets no sympathy from me. They acted no better than the thug protestors that looted and burned during the protests over supposed police brutality. I cannot in good conscience call for the police protesters to be jailed and give a pass to the people who were essentially rioting and breaking into the Capitol on January 6th. They brought that on themselves. Staying outside was fine, once they decided to go inside and vandalize property, they crossed the line. You can't be a hypocrite and want to be taken seriously.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, anyone who was protesting outside of the Capitol that day was absolutely within their rights to do so. Anyone who broke windows, busted down doors, and destroyed property once inside gets no sympathy from me. They acted no better than the thug protestors that looted and burned during the protests over supposed police brutality. I cannot in good conscience call for the police protesters to be jailed and give a pass to the people who were essentially rioting and breaking into the Capitol on January 6th. They brought that on themselves. Staying outside was fine, once they decided to go inside and vandalize property, they crossed the line. You can't be a hypocrite and want to be taken seriously.
We really do not know who did the vandalizing. We do know who murdered a Veteran, a female veteran who he could have stopped just as well with his hands, but he was a frightened half trained idiot, and he got away with murder. Certainly there was some vandalism there and the vandals should be punished, but even vandals deserve a speedy trial and bail and an attorney provided for them.


Well-Known Member
We really do not know who did the vandalizing. We do know who murdered a Veteran, a female veteran who he could have stopped just as well with his hands, but he was a frightened half trained idiot, and he got away with murder. Certainly there was some vandalism there and the vandals should be punished, but even vandals deserve a speedy trial and bail and an attorney provided for them.

Well, sorry I am not trying to insult you, but when you say someone could have stopped another with his hands instead of using his gun, you are sounding like the protesters that claim police use deadly force instead of maybe trying to wrestle someone to the ground. I'm sorry she was shot, but she should not have broken out a window and tried to enter the building. What would you want someone who was responsible for protecting the building to do? Especially in a situation where there were many people trying to do the same thing. Would you expect security in a CVS being attacked by protesters to put their guns away and try to stop the looters with their hands? I sure wouldn't. I can assure you that if someone tried to enter my house by breaking out a window they would suffer the same fate without even a thought of finding out who they were. Bad decisions sometimes result in bad outcomes. I'm sorry for what happened to her, but I can't defend her actions just because she was on the same political side as me.


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Chad Barrett Jones, 44, of Mount Washington, Kentucky, was found guilty of all nine charges against him after prosecutors alleged that he struck the glass panels of a barricaded doorway to the Speaker's Lobby with a wooden flagpole of his rolled-up Trump flag.

Zoom in: "Jones forcefully struck the door nine times with the flagpole while members of the crowd shouted, 'break it down,'" according to a Department of Justice statement Wednesday evening on his conviction.

  • Prosecutors said he attempted to pull the door open with his hand and was standing near it "when a woman was shot climbing through a glass panel that had been smashed out by another member of the crowd." That woman was identified in court filings as Babbitt.

It seems another person was convicted of breaking the window, and perhaps she was stupid enough to try to climb through it.
When did trying to climb through a window become a sentence of death. Don't you think a big grown Lieutenant cop could stop a petite woman from climbing through a window without shooting her?
We may not agree but IMO this Lieut. who has now been promoted to a Captaincy was a frightened coward.

And his promotion is very telling of the professionalism of the Capitol Police. The one and only Officer who fired his weapon that day.
And he got a promotion for doing it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I think we will simply have to disagree on this. I get what you are saying that climbing through a window should not be a death sentence, but given what was happening with people scaling the walls and penetrating the building, shouldn't someone realize that maybe that's not the best thing to do? Would you feel the same way during the Freddy Gray or Michael Ferguson riots when a CVS window was broken out by a trash can thrown through it? A looter walks through that window and was shot by security. Was that security person wrong? I don't think so. People should know right from wrong. Attempting to enter the Capitol under those circumstances was wrong.

Again, I have no issue with protests outside of the Capitol. Have your signs, scream and yell your points, just don't take it any further. If someone had shot into the crowd, that would be as criminal as the Kent State shootings that outraged a nation. But if you are trying to get inside of the building, you've taken it to a whole new level and you need to expect deadly force will be used to stop you. I've never blamed police for what they have done during riots and protests that got out of hand in our inner cities, and I won't change my opinion because this group happened to be people that are more like me as a conservative. I thought it was very embarrassing that people who support a lot of the same political views as me lowered themselves to be common thugs. But that's just my opinion and like I said, maybe we just disagree on this.


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I thought it was very embarrassing that people who support a lot of the same political views as me lowered themselves to be common thugs. But that's just my opinion and like I said, maybe we just disagree on this.
I'm with you - mostly. I do tend to believe that once you resort to violence on an issue - just as, in an argument, resorting to insults - you are conceding defeat. Rioting and resorting to violence PROVES the point that you should NOT be taken seriously.

While I get that when you're a cop, and a 300 lb man charging at you presents a threat - armed or unarmed - it is hard to see how fearsome an unarmed 5'2", 115 lb woman is that dangerous, especially to trained law enforcement. Pure speculation, he simply picked a target.

Once those other videos came out - it became increasingly muddy on what took place. There's a video of an elderly protester - an old woman - climbing the steps outside - and cops pushing her backwards - falling - down the steps - twice. She got up and they shoved her again, down the steps, twice. As peaceful as I am, I'd have a hard time not wanting to hit any cop that did that.

But what gets me the most about J6 is, even though we have all seen the confrontational moments between entering protesters inside the building - the bulk of the videos show almost exactly the opposite. While there were people climbing and smashing - enormous numbers didn't do any climbing at all, but were simply let in, with cops holding the doors. Video of people just walking in, with cops standing nearby.

And so there's been persons charged with trespass, even if they were inside less than a minute. People charged with crimes who actually never entered. People charged who didn't even show up that day. And it seems like once again, the bulk of the footage is still off limits.

Don't get me wrong - I do not justify going in. I do think it's hard to resist going in - when you see others going in while police just stand and watch. I've only ever been to a protest once, and it wasn't political, and we did it with our presence, and with singing. Had police been there and waved us inside, I don't think I would have second guessed them and feared being charged with trespass.

But heretofore, the public was given this image of bloodthirsty, marauding troops of barbarians smashing and attacking - while the footage tends to support that the overwhelming majority was just people walking around, snapping selfies and in many cases, just - leaving. The QAnon Shaman - Jacob Chansley - we've seen being quietly led through the building with police on either side, checking doors and him THANKING them as he stood in chambers.

There's a lot that went on that day that we're not supposed to see - but it wasn't the storming of the Bastille.


To my OP - Ray Epps has been the subject of conjecture for years now. The question, who is Ray Epps has joined Who is John Galt and Ray Epstein didn't kill himself in the public culture. He IS seen on camera inciting the crowd - repeatedly - and fighting the police - yet until very recently, wasn't charged with anything, leading speculation that he was a plant.
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PREMO Member
J6'ers are getting jail while Antifa trying to burn down a Federal Court House or the Church across from the White House have NEVER faced any charges

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
But if you are trying to get inside of the building, you've taken it to a whole new level and you need to expect deadly force will be used to stop you.
So you think that trespassing and destruction of property are grounds for use of deadly force? Don't think so and according to the USCP deadly force doctrine it was not called for in this instance. This was confirmed by Lt. Byrd when he stated that his fear was based on others that had not yet breached the area and what they might do, not the unarmed Babbitt.

Pretty amazing that out of the nearly 1,500 officers that were at the Capitol that day that only ONE felt it necessary to discharge their weapon. That in itself speaks volumes about the character and fortitude of Lt. Byrd.


Well-Known Member
Chad Barrett Jones, 44, of Mount Washington, Kentucky, was found guilty of all nine charges against him after prosecutors alleged that he struck the glass panels of a barricaded doorway to the Speaker's Lobby with a wooden flagpole of his rolled-up Trump flag.

Zoom in: "Jones forcefully struck the door nine times with the flagpole while members of the crowd shouted, 'break it down,'" according to a Department of Justice statement Wednesday evening on his conviction.

  • Prosecutors said he attempted to pull the door open with his hand and was standing near it "when a woman was shot climbing through a glass panel that had been smashed out by another member of the crowd." That woman was identified in court filings as Babbitt.

It seems another person was convicted of breaking the window, and perhaps she was stupid enough to try to climb through it.
When did trying to climb through a window become a sentence of death. Don't you think a big grown Lieutenant cop could stop a petite woman from climbing through a window without shooting her?
We may not agree but IMO this Lieut. who has now been promoted to a Captaincy was a frightened coward.

And his promotion is very telling of the professionalism of the Capitol Police. The one and only Officer who fired his weapon that day.
And he got a promotion for doing it.
Someone tries climbing through a broken window at my house they are getting shot in the face.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I think we will simply have to disagree on this. I get what you are saying that climbing through a window should not be a death sentence, but given what was happening with people scaling the walls and penetrating the building, shouldn't someone realize that maybe that's not the best thing to do? Would you feel the same way during the Freddy Gray or Michael Ferguson riots when a CVS window was broken out by a trash can thrown through it? A looter walks through that window and was shot by security. Was that security person wrong? I don't think so. People should know right from wrong. Attempting to enter the Capitol under those circumstances was wrong.

Again, I have no issue with protests outside of the Capitol. Have your signs, scream and yell your points, just don't take it any further. If someone had shot into the crowd, that would be as criminal as the Kent State shootings that outraged a nation. But if you are trying to get inside of the building, you've taken it to a whole new level and you need to expect deadly force will be used to stop you. I've never blamed police for what they have done during riots and protests that got out of hand in our inner cities, and I won't change my opinion because this group happened to be people that are more like me as a conservative. I thought it was very embarrassing that people who support a lot of the same political views as me lowered themselves to be common thugs. But that's just my opinion and like I said, maybe we just disagree on this.
Well we also have to look at the video of this shooting.
There were at least 5 police officers behind this woman on the stairs. It's not a good policy to shoot when the bullet could have shot someone besides the woman he was shooting at. I can almost agree with your account if the shot had been necessary, I just don't agree that it was necessary and in the circumstance it was a decision made by fear and not by good judgement. In his defense I will say that opening the door for Visitors and Congress critters is not an experience that would qualify Capitol Police to handle a situation like this and if Pelosi had taken the warning and the help that was offered it would never have happened.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Someone tries climbing through a broken window at my house they are getting shot in the face.
That could be risky (if you are talking about a house in Maryland). Now, if they are already in or make it into your home it would be reasonable that you face an imminent threat and could use lethal force, but if they are still outside not so much.


Well-Known Member
That could be risky (if you are talking about a house in Maryland). Now, if they are already in or make it into your home it would be reasonable that you face an imminent threat and could use lethal force, but if they are still outside not so much.
I'm probably not fast enough to do it until they are already in. In that case I have a reduced mobility senior in the house.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I'm probably not fast enough to do it until they are already in. In that case I have a reduced mobility senior in the house.
Well that is different than your earlier post where someone tries to enter through a broken window.

I love the "castle doctrine" out here.


Well-Known Member
Well that is different than your earlier post where someone tries to enter through a broken window.

I love the "castle doctrine" out here.
Don't get me wrong if I'm able to shoot someone as they are coming into a window they broke I will. I might also try to grab their head and take their face across the broken glass.


Well-Known Member
The only difference is you agree with why she was doing it. Think if it were the other way around would you feel the same way, I doubt it.
I don't agree with why she was doing it, she was wrong . I disagree with the way she was stopped. A grown man shooting a woman he could have easily pushed back. It is not that easy to climb through a window like that. I am 80 and I could have stopped her with one hand. Other Police were already on the stairway.

I have to watch blacks make a hero out of George Floyd and watch a police Officer who did not shoot him but physically stopped him while he was pumped up on enough Fentanyl to kill a horse and resisting arrest and he ,was placed in jail for murder while this POS black cop shot and killed a white female veteran who was committing a crime but was not a real threat and he gets promoted to Captain.