


Fregan questions

Has anyone yet gotten terribly sick from this lifestyle? :shrug: Their purpose sounds geniune and wholesome, but isnt' it somewhat unsanitary? Anyone a Freegan on here? Are there freegan clubs in So.Md?

And no Vria, this has nothing to do with me giving up on cooking the perfect ribeye... :lol: :razz: :lmao:
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dems4me said:
Has anyone yet gotten terribly sick from this lifestyle? :shrug: Their purpose sounds geniune and wholesome, but isnt' it somewhat unsanitary? Anyone a Freegan on here? Are there freegan clubs in So.Md?

And no Vria, this has nothing to do with me giving up on cooking the perfect ribeye... :lol: :razz: :lmao:

And yes asp before you follow me like a bloodhound, I meant cook not "blast" a perfect rib eye.. :lmao:

anyone on here into this? You can pm me and remain anonomous :smile:


cattitude said:

You've seen them in DC all over catt, except they are called bums up there... this is a movement of folks that eat waste out of trashcans from restaraunts and other places of mass food, then eat it to prevent us as a whole from being a wasteful nation. The more brainstarved they get I think the more they get into this lifestyle or something. :shrug: I saw it on trading spouses and again tonight on 20/20.


cattitude said:

I see a lot of them on L Street. :lol:

Maybe I'm spelling it wrong, they branch off of Vegans, they are freegans or freakans or something, I'm searching the internet and at a loss.


aps45819 said:
Are you talking about dumpster diving?

No, these people do it to eat the food that people throw away and they do it for a cause. Not dumpster diving looking for credit card statements etc... :lol:


aps45819 said:
Well where the hell do you think food that's thrown away is located?

Dumpster diving to me just sounded criminal and something you'd do to steal someone's identity... not exactly getting a diner for a cause :shrug: :lol:

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
I think this is appropriate.
Seinfeld said:
Jerry: "So let me get this straight. You find yourself in the
kitchen, you see an eclair in the receptacle, and you
think to yourself, 'What the hell, I'll just eat some

George: "No no no no no. It was not trash."

Jerry: "Was it in the trash?"

George: "Yes."

Jerry: "Then it was trash."

George: "It wasn't down in. It was sort of on top."

Jerry: "But it was in the cylinder."

George: "Above the rim."

Jerry: "Adjacent to refuse is... refuse."

George: "It was on a magazine. And it still had the doily on."

Jerry: "Was it eaten?"

George: "One little bite."

Jerry: "Well, that's garbage."

George: "But I know who took the bite. It was her aunt."

Jerry: "Well, you, my friend, have crossed the line that divides
man and bum. You are now a bum."


appyday said:
Dems honey...did you learn anything tonight??

No. :mad: :lol:

George wasn't doing it for the cause of being less wasteful as a human race (a cause) and formed a group called Georgegans, he was just hungry and wanted the dounut (no deep cause)... oh never mind. :banghead: :frown: I was just trying to figure out more about this way of thinking is all. :lol:

Next time I see someone in the trash I won't think "bum" though, I'll go Cattitude's route... :nono: he's not a "bum" :nono: he's a vagrant- fregan helping all of human kind :lol:

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
dems4me said:
No. :mad: :lol:

George wasn't doing it for the cause of being less wasteful as a human race (a cause) and formed a group called Georgegans, he was just hungry and wanted the dounut (no deep cause)... oh never mind. :banghead: :frown: I was just trying to figure out more about this way of thinking is all. :lol:

Next time I see someone in the trash I won't think "bum" though, I'll go Cattitude's route... :nono: he's not a "bum" :nono: he's a vagrant- fregan helping all of human kind :lol:
But the air pollution coming off his body would negate that.


appyday said:
Dems honey...did you learn anything tonight??

alright Appy, I'm on a roll!! I'm battn' a hundred!!! Lead me to the next thread!!! :lol:


Its been around for at least 4 or 5 years, just never took it seriously, and some kids are getting into this (and yes after rereading the article they selfadmittedly "dumpster drive" but what bothers me is their lack of work ethic :jet:

"Working Sucks - Where does the money you spend come from? You or your folks working long hours at a dehumanizing job, most likely. You don't have to compromise yourself and your humanity to the evil demon of wage-slavery! Working sucks and if a little scavenging can keep you from needing a job than go jump in a dumpster! Even if you do need to work to pay your bills, think about how much less you would have to work if you didn't have to buy food. "

They also recommend fermenting and brewing your own brew instead of buying beer or wine, which may explain the theory some :shrug: such as the following paragraph :jet:

"Privilege - We, in America, have so much and so many people all over the world have so little. Why do we have more? Because we're number one! Other folks are literally starving so that we can have fully-stocked shelves at our supermarkets and health food stores. If this concerns you (as it should) you can protest the unbalanced distribution in America and the world by sacrificing some of your privilege and feeding yourself off of the ridiculous excess of food instead of consuming products from that supermarket shelves we are so injustly privileged to have access to. "

My question is... what's the difference between getting it off a supermarket shelf versus a supermarket dumpster if its all about preventing waste :frown:
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