Its been around for at least 4 or 5 years, just never took it seriously, and some kids are getting into this (and yes after rereading the article they selfadmittedly "dumpster drive" but what bothers me is their lack of work ethic
"Working Sucks - Where does the money you spend come from? You or your folks working long hours at a dehumanizing job, most likely. You don't have to compromise yourself and your humanity to the evil demon of wage-slavery! Working sucks and if a little scavenging can keep you from needing a job than go jump in a dumpster! Even if you do need to work to pay your bills, think about how much less you would have to work if you didn't have to buy food. "
They also recommend fermenting and brewing your own brew instead of buying beer or wine, which may explain the theory some :shrug: such as the following paragraph
"Privilege - We, in America, have so much and so many people all over the world have so little. Why do we have more? Because we're number one! Other folks are literally starving so that we can have fully-stocked shelves at our supermarkets and health food stores. If this concerns you (as it should) you can protest the unbalanced distribution in America and the world by sacrificing some of your privilege and feeding yourself off of the ridiculous excess of food instead of consuming products from that supermarket shelves we are so injustly privileged to have access to. "
My question is... what's the difference between getting it off a supermarket shelf versus a supermarket dumpster if its all about preventing waste