Freighter aground in the Bay


Well-Known Member
oldman said:
A usually reliable source says it's a 700'er hauling coal. Gauge problems and apparently they couldn't tell the depth.

Please tell me you're kidding...


bcp said:
tugboater, are you a tankerman" (bargeman) ?

Just curious because of the way you worded your post.

Yes he is, that is my darling hubby.


New Member
I'm not sure it is that big. A big container ship went past earlier (like one of those 800' Evergreen container ships) and it definitely dwarfed the stuck vessel. A smaller ro-ro car carrier went by later and might have been the same size (they are about 500' I think).

Hard to tell as it is pretty low in the water and way over in the channel, which is about 10 miles from my house.


Well-Known Member
oldman said:
As I said, a usually reliable source. I cannot verifiy.

An incident such as this rarely happens in the bay, hence my comment about a tanker losing their way. On an another note, boats on a smaller scale, run aground in the bay on a normal basis...


Miller Tang Soo Do Rocks
Originally Posted by bcp
tugboater, are you a tankerman" (bargeman) ?

Just curious because of the way you worded your post. Yes I'am a bargeman I work on a clean oil barge that hauls gas,mtbe,naptha,#2 oil and jet fuel too some times too. We can haul up to 35,000 barrels of any of these cargos at one time.


New Member
Guess it is 700'. Didn't look that way.

Anyway, I think it might have been freed last night during high tide. I saw it before I turned in around midnight, but this morning I can't see anything. It is very hazy so it is possible it is still out there and just hidden. Will check again when the haze burns off.


Well-Known Member
Airgasm said:
On an another note, boats on a smaller scale, run aground in the bay on a normal basis...

And just what would you know about that? Only hear-say, I'm sure. :whistle:

And I've never grounded a small boat, no matter what others might tell you....


New Member
penguin6 said:
I think it might have been freed last night during high tide. I saw it before I turned in around midnight, but this morning I can't see anything. It is very hazy so it is possible it is still out there and just hidden. Will check again when the haze burns off.

Nope--still stuck. Haze just cleared.


New Member
bcp said:
fixed. as soon as the freighter gets to the mouth of the bay, a pilot is sent out to the ship from lynhaven inlet to steer the ship up the bay.

somebody is in deep deep trouble, and its not the paid captain of that ship

Yes, I'm aware of that. It was a joke. You know, humor? Heehee and all that? :smack:


New Member
Karma Coward said:
Not only are you not funny, you have no clue what you are talking about. Good game.

You're right. My seven years of sea duty left me totally clueless as to the operating procedures of ships transnavigating channels and entering ports. Do me a favor, leave all the negative karma you want, I couldn't give a rat's behind what you think of me or what I have to say. But, grow a set and sign it. Asshat.


Lobster Land
Latest word is the ships owners and DNR met this afternoon and it was agreed to offload some of the coal hoping that will allow enough clearance for the tugs to get it unstuck. If all goes well, it should be freed sometime Sunday.