Friday the 13th Superstitions

Friday the 13th

  • I gon't go out on Fri the 13th

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mamissa3 said:
Today is my Due date, but dont think anything is going to happen today:(.

A few things to try:

Watch Comedy Central. Laughter can induce labor.
Have some ess-ee-ex (if it's not painful). Sex can induce labor.
Jumping Jacks.
It's too late now - but if you had taken up smoking earlier, I've heard that can cause early labor.
Jolt Cola!!!

Unless I totally misunderstood you when you actually meant that your library books are "due" today.. or if you're "due" for a visit from Aunt Flo.


Lem Putt
mamissa3 said:
No you didnt misunderstand. It is a baby that is due today. :) Am willing to try anything at this point!! Thanks

Semen contains prostaglandin, which is what they use to induce labor. PM me, and I'll be right over to help. Strictly clinical of course, I would obtain no enjoyment from :bangbangbang:


Lem Putt
mamissa3 said:
Sorry but i have a husband for that! lol

No reason to apolgize. I was merely offering my services with no expectation of gratification. Honest. No really, I mean it. Come on now, I really mean it, I'm not like that!