friend needs to know


New Member
Why can't she "sell" you her animals and anything else that she thinks the husband may take just to be spiteful? Document a bill of sale or something to show that you now legally own the stuff and since it is no longer owned by her or her husband, he can't ask for them in the divorce. Then once everything is finalized, "sell" them back to her.

I don't know if this would work but I would look into it.


off the shelf
Why can't she "sell" you her animals and anything else that she thinks the husband may take just to be spiteful? Document a bill of sale or something to show that you now legally own the stuff and since it is no longer owned by her or her husband, he can't ask for them in the divorce. Then once everything is finalized, "sell" them back to her.

I don't know if this would work but I would look into it.

She'd owe him half of the selling price of all things that were "marital property" and it has to be "market value"


Back in the saddle
I have a friend that lives in st Mary's and has pets ..

are they consider property and can her husband get a hold of them if they divorce...

he doesn't care for them but would do it if possible to be an a$$ he knows how much she loves her pets and he is jealous of them .. he has threatened to hurt them...

any helpful in put would be appreciated.

A friends ex girlfriend had her dog put in the divorce papers. Her and her ex shared visitation of the dog and he had to pay 1/2 of the vet bills, food bills ect.. anything that had to do with dog he paid 1/2. After about a year the guy finally left her alone. He only wanted to fight for the dog to be an azz.


Not really hubby shot a horse of mine long ago because it kicked a kid..Cops told me it was his horse too and he could do it..he broke no laws..figure that one out..I am sick just typing this and reliving it..


This is directed at your hubby.....