Fritz faults police response

The police plan was for a trooper who knew Dean to try to talk him out of the house, the report states, while a team in the other armored vehicle, from Calvert County, planted an explosive charge on the side of the house to blow a hole in the wall if negotiations and the chemicals did not resolve the standoff.
They were going to blow a wall off the house? Yeah, I'd call that aggessive.
St. Mary’s State’s Attorney Richard Fritz, which describes the state agency’s tactics as ‘‘overwhelmingly aggressive” and flawed in its execution


I bowl overhand
desertrat said:
They were going to blow a wall off the house? Yeah, I'd call that aggessive.
Doesn't take much.. Saw a raid on TV on a drug house, where they used their truck to pull the bars off of a window.. took the whole wall.
itsbob said:
Doesn't take much.. Saw a raid on TV on a drug house, where they used their truck to pull the bars off of a window.. took the whole wall.
Depends on the construction. I was sitting in my carport in AZ one day revving the engine of my truck when it slipped into gear. (no idea why I wasn't in park) the truck smashed into the wall before I could react and just punched a little hole in the stucco. Stucco over wire mesh is pretty tough stuff.


Well-Known Member
What was the rush to capture this man. He was effectively neutralized and of questionable control of himself. Why not wait him out instead of another mini Waco event led by our para military wannbes from the State Police. ####ing stupid waste of our tax money and this man's life.
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Bonehead said:
What was the rush to capture this man. He was effectively neutralized and of questionable control of himself. Why not wait him out instead of another mini Waco event led by our para military wannbes from the State Police. Fu#king stupid waste of our tax money and this man's life.
That's what the finding was. They had him isolated and surrounded. All they had to do was wait.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bonehead said:
What was the rush to capture this man. He was effectively neutralized and of questionable control of himself. Why not wait him out instead of another mini Waco event led by our para military wannbes from the State Police. ####ing stupid waste of our tax money and this man's life.
Hey! I agree with you! :yay:

But don't circumvent the cussword filters. :nono:


New Member
It seems like they had all these toys that were gathering dust and they were just DETERMINED to use them. What a waste. Now Chuck County's finest have tasers? Wow, how long until some house frau doing 44 in a 35 gets lits up for getting uppity?


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Coventry17 said:
It seems like they had all these toys that were gathering dust and they were just DETERMINED to use them. What a waste. Now Chuck County's finest have tasers? Wow, how long until some house frau doing 44 in a 35 gets lits up for getting uppity?

I'll give you $20 to find out and report back to us. :lmao:


I bowl overhand
Coventry17 said:
It seems like they had all these toys that were gathering dust and they were just DETERMINED to use them. What a waste. Now Chuck County's finest have tasers? Wow, how long until some house frau doing 44 in a 35 gets lits up for getting uppity?
Daily, until they all stop getting uppity one would hope..

GUys dead, was he doing wrong? Yep, was he danger to himself and others, YEP.. bummer he had to die, but better him than one of the troopers. Next time some psych case wants to threaten killing himself and others, maybe they'll think twice about it.

I'll support the cops on this one.. Good shootin!


itsbob said:
Daily, until they all stop getting uppity one would hope..

GUys dead, was he doing wrong? Yep, was he danger to himself and others, YEP.. bummer he had to die, but better him than one of the troopers. Next time some psych case wants to threaten killing himself and others, maybe they'll think twice about it.

I'll support the cops on this one.. Good shootin!

I'm with you. How much "give" does there have to be?
- They had already fired 30-40 rounds of tear gas into the place and he did not come out.
- A neighbor said that he had fired shots already.
- Wife told cops that there were at least 12 guns in the house and that he had mental problems.
- Said that he'd harm anyone who tried to come in the house.
- He shot a phone they tried to provide to him and also shot and hit a cop car.

Naw, this guy was not dangerous. They should have just let him do whatever he wanted to do and not returned fire unless he fired and actually hit one of the officers. Damn those cops and their excessive force.
itsbob said:
Daily, until they all stop getting uppity one would hope..

GUys dead, was he doing wrong? Yep, was he danger to himself and others, YEP.. bummer he had to die, but better him than one of the troopers. Next time some psych case wants to threaten killing himself and others, maybe they'll think twice about it.

I'll support the cops on this one.. Good shootin!
Danger to himself. yes, obviously. To others, no, they had secured the entire area. All they had to do was wait him out. Let him get his head straight. They just couldn't do that. They had gas, they had to use it. They had armored trucks, they had to use them. They forced a situation in which they had to defend themselves. It was unnecessary. It's a mentality of "what can we do next" and no one has the guts to say let's hold off and let the guy come to his senses. After all, how else can we justify all these cool toys?
Ok, I changed my mind. Any vet who comes back from supporting our country and has mental problems because of it should be ordered back into action and then killed if they fail to comply and hole up somewhere.
oldnavy said:
I'm with you. How much "give" does there have to be?
They had already fired 30-40 rounds of tear gas into the place and he did not come out.
Again, why not just wait?
A neighbor said that he had fired shots already.
- Wife told cops that there were at least 12 guns in the house and that he had mental problems.
Sounds like he needed help.
- Said that he'd harm anyone who tried to come in the house.
Then don't try.
- He shot a phone they tried to provide to him and also shot and hit a cop car.
Shot a phone? Oh MY GOD!


I bowl overhand
desertrat said:
oldnavy said:
I'm with you. How much "give" does there have to be?
Again, why not just wait?

Sounds like he needed help.

Then don't try.

Shot a phone? Oh MY GOD!
The first shot he fired in their general direction the gloves should have come off, and lI wouldn't have cared if they'd called in artillery. People, EVERYONE needs to know you don't try to stab a cop, you don't try to shoot a cop. You lose that respect then wearing the uniform becomes a death sentence. Him being a vet has nothing to do with it, hell I don't even know what kind of job he had in the Reserves, or what he has done, or where he had been, it doesn't excuse firing a weapon on the police.

General Lee

Well-Known Member
desertrat said:
Danger to himself. yes, obviously. To others, no, they had secured the entire area. All they had to do was wait him out. Let him get his head straight. They just couldn't do that. They had gas, they had to use it. They had armored trucks, they had to use them. They forced a situation in which they had to defend themselves. It was unnecessary. It's a mentality of "what can we do next" and no one has the guts to say let's hold off and let the guy come to his senses. After all, how else can we justify all these cool toys?

Good gawd almighty, I shouldn't even waste my time replying to your statement. He shot a cop car with a cop in it, he shot and destroyed a negotiating phone. Made threats to to harm cops if they came near...... If you are ever held hostage be sure to tell the cops to let the dude harm you and hold a gun to your head because you don't want them breaking out the toys to save you. I'm not comparing this to a hostage situation, I'm just giving an example.

Too many Monday morning Quarterbacks that have no business or knowledge to even voice their opinion.