Full time RVer insurance woes


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Both Vrai & I have experienced vehicle insurance difficulties lately. We have been almost 3 years with no fixed address. Last year my insurance sent me a letter about where my vehicles reside. I spoke to someone and thought it was all straight. I'm sure the person I talked with put some electronic notes in my file.

Then I get a letter from the state of Florida(my legal residence state) about my licence being suspended due to not carrying insurance. GEICO cancelled me without notice. I had auto pay and didn't notice the change. Call them up and both remedies I wasn't agreeable to. My post office box is in Solomons. They forward my mail to our mail forwarding service in Florida. GEICO wanted me to get a Maryland drivers license and transfer both my vehicles there. Florida has no state income tax, which is super convenient. Transferring over to the free state would make my retirement and passive investment money state taxable.

I now have my license reinstated and have vehicle insurance through Good Sams. I was with GEICO for a few decades. I guess loyalty isn't worth what I thought it should be.

Now Vrai is getting jammed up because of her mail forwarding address. Instead of using a Maryland post office box like she did for the first 2 years, she cut out the middleman and now just used the mail forwarding address. But now to her insurance company she now 'lives' in Florida. She explained things to them but I guess the non comprende.

And she's not too happy about the situation. We both just want to get right with this and get on with our lives. If she isn't happy then well I'm not happy either. My happiness is directly related to her overall happiness.

So fingers crossed for a quick resolution to this issue. I do have to say that given our situation the few minor bumps we run into aren't that bad in the big picture of things. Most of them can get ironed out with a few emails or phone calls. Then we can get on living our lives on the road.


Well-Known Member
Yeah...spitbubble was complaining about this weeks ago...if you don' understand residency laws then you get what you deserve.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Yeah...spitbubble was complaining about this weeks ago...if you don' understand residency laws then you get what you deserve.

I am a legal Maryland resident, sweetie, and I cannot claim any other state as my residence.

I own a Maryland business.
Work for a Maryland corporation.
Have a physical Maryland address.
Pay Maryland taxes.
Maryland health insurance.

The ONLY thing I have in any other state is a mail forwarding service. Believe me, if I could become a FL or TX resident, I would. But I can't.


God bless the USA
He has a big crushy on me. :blushing:

Agree. I have never seen a member go after someone so hard (pun intended) on every thread/subject. I am runner up. :lol: I wonder if trans is a boy or girl; or something else. Y’all do have a great life style. Maybe it is envy. And, I saw Monello’s post on Brownsville statistics. Scary stuff all around; so to speak. Safe travels, y’all.
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PREMO Member
The ONLY thing I have in any other state is a mail forwarding service.

who is ratting you out, that you use a mail forwarding service ?

what is the physical residence ? someones home or a mail boxes etc mail box ?


Well-Known Member
If the only thing that ties you to Florida as a resident is a mail forwarding service, then you are not a Florida resident. Florida state law requires RESIDENCE (be physically present in Florida for more than half of the year or own or lease, and occupy, a dwelling in Florida) or proof of membership in the armed forces. They want their property tax.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
who is ratting you out, that you use a mail forwarding service ?

what is the physical residence ? someones home or a mail boxes etc mail box ?

Nobody ratted me out, they just saw the FL mailing address (there is also a physical address on file with them) and got all triggered.

The physical residence is a real home.

It's just a misunderstanding - some bureaucratic snafu. I found insurance through AAA so if this insurance company does end up giving me the boot I'm still good. What's most annoying is that I've been with this insurance company since 2007 and have never had a claim (I'm an excellent driver, said in my best Rain Man voice). They're basically getting a free $650 a year from me, and now they want to cancel me over an oversight on their part. Dumb.

But I'm wondering...how do homeless people do it? Many of them are on state medical plans, getting SS checks, etc. How do they establish residency when they literally have no address at all, physical or mailing? There's a guy who lives part time in his truck at the campground in Solomons, which means he's retired military. The other part of the time he lives in the parking lot by the Solomons library. He literally lives in his truck. So how is he getting car insurance?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
They want me to answer these questions (the same ones I answered last week):

1. How much time is spent in MD vs Florida?
2. Is her vehicle kept in Florida for any extended periods of time?
3. Is the traveling for work or is she a "snow bird"?

OMG, I don't freaking live in Florida!!!! :banghead:

Why is it that I can have a Maryland physical address, a Maryland driver's license, Maryland health insurance, be employed by a Maryland corporation, and own a Maryland based business, yet somehow a mail forwarding service that happens to be in Florida means I must live in Florida???


Throwing the deuces
They want me to answer these questions (the same ones I answered last week):

1. How much time is spent in MD vs Florida?
2. Is her vehicle kept in Florida for any extended periods of time?
3. Is the traveling for work or is she a "snow bird"?

OMG, I don't freaking live in Florida!!!! :banghead:

Why is it that I can have a Maryland physical address, a Maryland driver's license, Maryland health insurance, be employed by a Maryland corporation, and own a Maryland based business, yet somehow a mail forwarding service that happens to be in Florida means I must live in Florida???

I got an email last week from one of our HR people saying the Post Office delivered my W2 form to an address in FL. My MD address was on the envelope so no idea why it was delivered to Florida. Thank goodness the resident where it was delivered was honest and went to the Post Office and had them send it up here to me.


Well-Known Member
Yea there are a number of edge cases insurance regulations for which good automated workflows don’t exist.

I lived as an expat in Mexico for about 7 years or so many years back and insurance compliance was a major PITA. I let my niece use my car (added her as authorized driver, etc) but used a FL based forwarding service.

It got to be such a pain dealing this this that I sold my car to my niece for $1 and then purchased it back for $1 when I returned. The bureaucracy dealing with that was far easier than dealing with insurance nonsense.

I don’t think there is an easy answer here unfortunately. And I’m not surprised to hear that 20 years on this stuff isn’t any easier.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Yeah...spitbubble was complaining about this weeks ago...if you don' understand residency laws then you get what you deserve.

Not helpful. It's stupid, non-helpful, snarky, discourteous, junior high type posts like this that continue to undermine the already low level of credibility you have here in the forum.

There is a treatment intervention in mental health that goes something like this:

1. - In working with a client, treat with grace and dignity and continue to do so until....

2. - Client demonstrates a disinterest in acting in a socially responsible and non-narcissistic manner.

3. - Then "grace and dignity" get dropped and counselor begins to mirror client by treating client exactly as client treats others. The hope is to get the client's attention that the behavior is childish, counter-productive, off-putting, and socially unacceptable.

With you we are clearly somewhere between #2 and #3.

How shall we proceed? I like interacting with people in the #1 world. How about you?

--- End of line (MCP)


God bless the USA
They want me to answer these questions (the same ones I answered last week):

1. How much time is spent in MD vs Florida?
2. Is her vehicle kept in Florida for any extended periods of time?
3. Is the traveling for work or is she a "snow bird"?

OMG, I don't freaking live in Florida!!!! :banghead:

Why is it that I can have a Maryland physical address, a Maryland driver's license, Maryland health insurance, be employed by a Maryland corporation, and own a Maryland based business, yet somehow a mail forwarding service that happens to be in Florida means I must live in Florida???

It seems you are being kept track of more than an alien that has crossed the border illegally, and gets lost in the bureaucracy of it all. What a bunch of crap. No wonder you are banging your head. Hope you get it straightened out, wish y’all happy trails, and God bless America.