

yeah yeah
Does anyone use fuzzi-bunz? If so, where is the best place that you have found to purchase them.

Reason being, Skeet is potty trainning now (has gone in the potty, 5 times so far, and both ends!! :larry: ) and I was on a mommy board that many people said they used fuzzi-bunz to potty train- because it was an instant feel of wet.

I ended up getting a couple, but a couple isnt enough- and I really like the idea of this, because it is working. But- alas- these suckers are expensive. I dont might paying an amount if I get a good bang for the buck.

Any feeedback is appreciated!


watercolor said:
Does anyone use fuzzi-bunz? If so, where is the best place that you have found to purchase them.

Reason being, Skeet is potty trainning now (has gone in the potty, 5 times so far, and both ends!! :larry: ) and I was on a mommy board that many people said they used fuzzi-bunz to potty train- because it was an instant feel of wet.

I ended up getting a couple, but a couple isnt enough- and I really like the idea of this, because it is working. But- alas- these suckers are expensive. I dont might paying an amount if I get a good bang for the buck.

Any feeedback is appreciated!
Both ends?


yeah yeah
cattitude said:
Whatever happened to plain old "big boy/girl" underwear?

Because she is just grasping the fact of potty trainning, and it wont hold what she lets out yet. I am more than willing to do the big girl underware once she gets a better understanding of what is going on.:smile:


Well-Known Member
watercolor said:
Does anyone use fuzzi-bunz? If so, where is the best place that you have found to purchase them.

Reason being, Skeet is potty trainning now (has gone in the potty, 5 times so far, and both ends!! :larry: ) and I was on a mommy board that many people said they used fuzzi-bunz to potty train- because it was an instant feel of wet.

I ended up getting a couple, but a couple isnt enough- and I really like the idea of this, because it is working. But- alas- these suckers are expensive. I dont might paying an amount if I get a good bang for the buck.

Any feeedback is appreciated!

When my daughter was born, she had a horrible allergic reaction to the pampers in the hospital. She had to wear cloth diapers for 2 months. I found a lady locally that sells these. I'll try to get her number for you again. She also has used ones that she sells. She was nice enough to loan me a dozen to use and I didn't have to buy them.

This is a good idea. Little one is now 17 months and I was going to start potty training next month. I may give this a try myself. Thanks for the idea!


yeah yeah
Apparently there have been great successes with many many people and using this for potty trainning. I guess it helps cut down on the rashes too- because of the pants/diapers coming off and on so much. :yay:


My Sweetest Boy
watercolor said:
Because she is just grasping the fact of potty trainning, and it wont hold what she lets out yet. I am more than willing to do the big girl underware once she gets a better understanding of what is going on.:smile:

My point was that kids have been potty trained for years without special things. Just seems like an added expense to me. For the majority of kids, when they're ready..they're ready.


yeah yeah
cattitude said:
My point was that kids have been potty trained for years without special things. Just seems like an added expense to me. For the majority of kids, when they're ready..they're ready.

Guess I should have added to- that I was planning on using the fuzzi bunz with the next baby. so really, it would pay off in the end. :yay:


I am so very blessed
Hey WC, check out eBay. No matter where you get them, they will be expensive. However, you might be able to find a "deal" of some sort on eBay.

My cousin uses them exclusively on her baby girl and totally loves them. I've never tried them, so have no opinion other than they are expensive as hell.


yeah yeah
BadGirl said:
Hey WC, check out eBay. No matter where you get them, they will be expensive. However, you might be able to find a "deal" of some sort on eBay.

My cousin uses them exclusively on her baby girl and totally loves them. I've never tried them, so have no opinion other than they are expensive as hell.

of all things, I never thought to look there. :lmao:



pretty black roses
BadGirl said:
Hey WC, check out eBay. No matter where you get them, they will be expensive. However, you might be able to find a "deal" of some sort on eBay.

My cousin uses them exclusively on her baby girl and totally loves them. I've never tried them, so have no opinion other than they are expensive as hell.

Holy hell. Just did a quick search for them on ebay and a set of 12 is starting at $180 :yikes:

Nanny Pam

I had the parents get me the triple thickness underwear at Walmart. They are white, but in the crotch area, they are really thick.
I believe they come 3 in a pack for 5.00.
They are in the baby section.


yeah yeah
hrm.. wonder if they are hard to make. Seeing as I just looked on ebay- and like jwwb said- it is a little brutal for 12 diapers. Where I could get the stuff to make it and make more for that possibly. Couldnt be to hard for those that havent sewed much in their life huh?


I am so very blessed
jwwb2000 said:
Holy hell. Just did a quick search for them on ebay and a set of 12 is starting at $180 :yikes:
No kidding. Just imagine how much they'd be if you bought them new. Yowza!


Watch it
Never heard of them. I found that the Gerber training undies from WalMart absorb REALLY well but still feel wet and all like regular undies for my kiddo. I make sure she is in them when we go out in public so I don't have to yell "Clean-up on aisle 3!".