Originally posted by jlabsher
Boy Pete real original, just like the current administration. OK you post stuff from 40 years ago, like that is relevant, I'm sure you were all for killing hippies and commies, but the fact is, he didn't cut and run like an ANG pilot we all know. Oh wow, he voted against the bloated military establishment (that by the way is now costing taxpayers $1 MILLION a MINUTE)
I don't know about "bloated", since it's managed to win several wars since that time, and I sure wouldn't want this nation to ever come in second when it comes to military strength.
But you may have noticed that that bloated military employs a few million people as well, including most of this county.
Bush went to the National Guard - Kerry tried to get out of it altogether claiming he was going to study in *FRANCE*. (We won't even MENTION that Clinton dodged it COMPLETELY). When THAT didn't work, he chose Navy duty, spending most of his time safely off-shore. I've heard many accounts of his time on the swift boats, and am not sure where the truth is. But it IS true he got out as soon as humanly possible, and wangled his way out of the Navy early, and spent the balance of that time bad-mouthing his fellow soldiers. Maybe he DID show courage 35 years ago but I've no respect for what he did when he returned. He may as well have shot his own troops.
Not relevant, you say? Too long ago? Fine. Let's not bring it up. Funny thing is, for someone who insists on NOT bringing it up, Kerry does a great job of doing just that - bringing it up. He got three Purple Hearts for obviously minor injuries, but won't allow the records to be released so people can learn he got a couple of boo-boos and left Vietnam. He WILL talk about 'fighting and bleeding' for his country.
Geez. Ken, didn't you serve in Vietnam? Shouldn't you run for President? Apparently, it's a qualification for being President. It used to be something of a disgrace in the 70's to hear the Dems talk about it THEN. Now it's a badge of honor.
To me, ALL of this is irrelevant. I know that if 9/11 happens again, I don't want a president who will go begging the French and Germans if it's ok to hit back. I don't want someone who will toss a few Cruise missiles and hit a camel in the butt. I don't want someone who claims he'll balance the budget but already has a plan that WON'T do that. I don't want a guy who votes FOR a war he was against.
Here's a question - is he FOR gay marriages, or against? Last I checked, he was against, but things might have changed since this morning. One thing I'm sure of, he'll bash Bush for stating his opinion openly. Maybe that's what I'm not getting. When no one knows your opinion, no one can call you to account for it.