I think what really tees me off about this whole thing is -
YES, I get that if a man is GUILTY of these kinds of things - while there are much worse crimes to be guilty of, and we've had plenty of those in our government - he in no way should be anywhere NEAR the office of Attorney General.
IF - he's done these. Frankly, I kind of hold the bar pretty high for an AG. I don't want one that was even ever found guilty of drunk driving.
But that's not what is happening here. AFTER realizing there's no case - and allegations do not carry the weight of fact - that ought to be the end of it. NOPE. They have to smear him even more - even AFTER he's no longer in the running for AG. Seriously. I get that politics is dirty, but this reeks of pettiness. It's well damn, we couldn't use the charges to remove him - let's just smear him ANYWAY.
See, that's the problem in this internet/woke age: allegations in fact carry MORE weight than facts. In a sane world, they should not. In the Kafkaesque Bizzaro world we live in, facts don't matter; and, not only that, the left is highly allergic to facts.
I see part of the problem, from paternity fraud, to false allegations to make out in divorce settlements to this kind of thing, is that there are zero repercussions. Well, unless someone gets their asses sued off, but even then, they'll still trot out the same baseless, dis-proven allegations over, and over, and over, hoping for some kind of different outcome. Sort of like the definition of insanity.
Change that, and you'll witness a sea change in false allegations.