Gall Bladder


professional daydreamer
My SIL had some gall bladder problems years ago. I don't remember what her symptoms were, but after she had the gall stones removed, all of her ailments went away. She said she felt like a new person.

BTW, I hate her.


Has confinement issues..
Mine gave me some trouble, so I kicked it out.:ohwell:

Seriously, a few years ago, I kept feeling this stabbing pain under my ribs on the right and it felt like the worst gas pain you can imagine. I was eating antacids and stuff every day.

One night at about 2 am, it was so bad I had to go to the ER. After a sonogram, they admitted me and immediatly prepped me for surgery to remove the whole thing. They wouldn't even let me leave the ER to make arrangements for work or my kids.

I wound up having the whole thing removed, which included 15 stones the size of quarters:yikes: My gall bladder was three times it's normal size.

I was so jaundiced that the doctors were amazed I didn't know I was sick but I had just had my son and thought part of that was pregnancy:shrug: I cried when I saw the change in my color after surgery. The reason I had jaundice was because one stone had lodged itself in the duct going to my liver and my liver wasn't filtering bile from my body. I could have wound up with a dead liver too:frown:


Happy Camper
Mine's gone! Don't miss it! Basically had flare ups like BB for years off and on, but no stones. Eventually, they decided it needed to come out.


Has confinement issues..
I"ve seen two types of sugery. The one I had was three small holes, one in the upper middle part ob my stomach and two exploration(?) holesto the right side.

I had a friend who needed the really awful one where they practically cut you in half. I think the scar is 20+ inches, but he had a big round belly like Santa Claus.


Well-Known Member
Thanks All!

Beleeze, glad you made it through that ordeal! :smoochy:

Undergoing tests with ultrasound tests on the liver, panceas and gall bladder coming up. Been experiencing flare-ups for several months. They seem to be initiated after eating rich/fatty foods or too much wine/rum, etc. Usualy kick-in about four hours after eating and are miserable for 1 to 6 hours.

Eliminating the fatty food intake has helped, but there's definately something amiss...


Happy Camper
Thanks All!

Beleeze, glad you made it through that ordeal! :smoochy:

Undergoing tests with ultrasound tests on the liver, panceas and gall bladder coming up. Been experiencing flare-ups for several months. They seem to be initiated after eating rich/fatty foods or too much wine/rum, etc. Usualy kick-in about four hours after eating and are miserable for 1 to 6 hours.

Eliminating the fatty food intake has helped, but there's definately something amiss...

Good Luck! :huggy:


I had mine removed 2 years ago this November. I tell ya... I'd not wish a gallbladder attack on my worst enemy! :dead:


Soul Probe
I had gallbladder attacks and after diagnosis was on fat-free diet before surgery which helped. Definitely opt for the laparoscopic if it can be done that way. Sometimes however there are issues that don't allow the laparoscopic trocars to be used which means a conversion to open cholecystectomy which will result in a scar starting from your sternum following your right ribcage all the way to your side (ick).

One thing I have noticed with myself, others who have had the surgery, and through observation in my medical transcription is that gastroesophageal reflux seems to be a symptom for some after the surgery while your body adjusts to not having the gallbladder, so keep that in mind.

Good luck!


Has confinement issues..
Thanks All!

Beleeze, glad you made it through that ordeal! :smoochy:

Undergoing tests with ultrasound tests on the liver, panceas and gall bladder coming up. Been experiencing flare-ups for several months. They seem to be initiated after eating rich/fatty foods or too much wine/rum, etc. Usualy kick-in about four hours after eating and are miserable for 1 to 6 hours.

Eliminating the fatty food intake has helped, but there's definately something amiss...

Tequila and tacos were never so cruel as they were after I had mine out! :ohwell:

It was a long time before I could eat spicy food and :otter: after my surgery::frown:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Mine went gangrene several years ago, worse pain I had ever been in and only had one minor attack a couple of weeks before the main one. They started with the laparoscopic procedure but when they hit it it ruptured and they ended up giving me the 11 inch incision under the rib cage and 17 staples to close it up. I think they had to rinse me out like you would a gutted fish. Sometimes, after eating certain foods, a bathroom nearby is real handy as the food seems to pickup speed on the way through.


Well-Known Member
Mine went gangrene several years ago, worse pain I had ever been in and only had one minor attack a couple of weeks before the main one. They started with the laparoscopic procedure but when they hit it it ruptured and they ended up giving me the 11 inch incision under the rib cage and 17 staples to close it up. I think they had to rinse me out like you would a gutted fish. Sometimes, after eating certain foods, a bathroom nearby is real handy as the food seems to pickup speed on the way through.

Ouch!!! :howdy:

Hope all is well in your world...

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Ouch!!! :howdy:

Hope all is well in your world...
I'm alive and finally back in civilization up north. Thanks for asking. I had been roughing it for the past 4 or so months between being on the road and living on a mountain without amenities like electricity, phone, media (I did have running water, grill and a solar shower). I would hit a library wherever I was when the urge hit me and glance in here from time to time but cut my internet time to about 15 minutes a week mostly just checking email. Hell I didn't even know about Ike until a week after it happened when I came down to get some gas only to discover that the prices had went up $.50 a gallon. I have a lot of catching up to do but right now I am busy getting ready for a meeting I am supposed to be having with some business folk early next month that are interested in an idea I came up with while I was out on my sabbatical (tech drawing, supporting documentation and with luck a working prototype).