gallbladder attack



I know someone who is having a gallbladder attack is there anything she can do to have it where the pain isn't so bothersome til she can get to the doctors?


New Member
I know someone who is having a gallbladder attack is there anything she can do to have it where the pain isn't so bothersome til she can get to the doctors?

If the pain is that bad... your friend needs to get to the doctor... it could be a ruptured glallbladder or a stone that is moving... they can make her a tonic that will ease the pain....

Really, you don't want to be messing with that... bile in the system is dangerous....


Active Member
I ended up in the ER several weeks ago due to my gull bladder. They gave me percocet and the name of a surgeon to have it removed--which I did last week.
:huggy: to whomever it is because I know how they feel.


she said its not very fun and she was thinking about going hungry because almost all foods set her off to feeling bad. she said she is going to call her doctor tomorrow am and get in as soon as possible to be checked out. she also says sleepless nights are no fun.


I ended up in the ER several weeks ago due to my gull bladder. They gave me percocet and the name of a surgeon to have it removed--which I did last week.
:huggy: to whomever it is because I know how they feel.

she is sitting here with me and wants to know how bad the surgery was and how long will it take before you can be back to doing normal stuff?


Happy Camper
she is sitting here with me and wants to know how bad the surgery was and how long will it take before you can be back to doing normal stuff?

I had mine out several years ago and it wasn't too bad. A bit of pain the first couple of days after, then just a matter of taking it easy for about a week. She'll find that her body really won't let her do too much till it's ready!


Active Member
she is sitting here with me and wants to know how bad the surgery was and how long will it take before you can be back to doing normal stuff?
Surgery was not bad at all. I had it done laparoscopicly.
I am still a little sore (almost a week later--I had it Tuesday afternoon) but it is more annoying then painful and nothing a pain killer does not relieve. I was feeling mostly back to normal after two days.
I am a stay at home mom and was lucky that my mom watched my kids until Friday but honestly if I needed to I would have been fine Thursday.


she says thankyou ladies for your helpful information. Did they tell you both to avoid any foods while having the attack?


well hers is definately lowfat shes eating veggies and rice and some fruit and that is about it. for sweets shes having baked apples and poached pears. nothing really exciting.


Active Member
I know someone who is having a gallbladder attack is there anything she can do to have it where the pain isn't so bothersome til she can get to the doctors?

Unfortunately, pain meds are a temporary solution. They will help some. I would highly recommend her going to Dr. Harvey, a surgeon in the Bean building. He performed my gallbladder surgery and my hubbys. I know he concentrates more on cardio type surgeries he may be willing to do it. Another good surgeon is Dr. Fritz. Hope she feels better. I know what it feels like.


Happy Camper
well hers is definately lowfat shes eating veggies and rice and some fruit and that is about it. for sweets shes having baked apples and poached pears. nothing really exciting.

Lowfat is good! Nothing greasy, definitely! Oh, and it might not be the same for her, but apples used to tear me up!

Unfortunately, pain meds are a temporary solution. They will help some. I would highly recommend her going to Dr. Harvey, a surgeon in the Bean building. He performed my gallbladder surgery and my hubbys. I know he concentrates more on cardio type surgeries he may be willing to do it. Another good surgeon is Dr. Fritz. Hope she feels better. I know what it feels like.

:yeahthat: She did my surgery. Great doc and great bedside manner


she says thanks everyone for y our helpful information keep the tips coming please she said. she doesn't post to the forums so i will be printing these tips for her later.
Pain can get really bad, Dr. Fritz was my surgeon-awesome physician. Had it removed a few months ago.
Recovery was about 10 days total, first few days were painful but then much better. took a week off from work. For symptoms while waiting for surgery: Avoid fats! Use a heating pad, lay on side with right arm over your head if you can. Percoset for pain worked ok, but like I said it can get really bad. If it's really over the top she needs to get to an ER to rule out rupture.


she just called me and asked me to ask you all if sweating was one of the symptoms and being neauseated (sp) was one too or not.


she lives in stmarys. she said thanks for the recommendations of doctors


I eat red meat
she just called me and asked me to ask you all if sweating was one of the symptoms and being neauseated (sp) was one too or not.
Yes, that is a symptom. Why haven't you told her to go to the hospital? A gallbladder can go bad, turn gangreen and result in death.


her mother insisted she wait it out tonight and go see her family doctor in the morning to have her check it out and see what she wants her to do.