gallbladder attack



no this friend is an adult but she listens to her mom and doesn't argue with her as she thinkks shes doctor mom.


i don't know what she has or doesn't have I don't ask personal questions like that to her


no i haven't i am leaving that part up to her as I have showed her all that has been said and shes playing it down as she said she thinks its just gas pains. but any time she eats she burps like a pig and has pain and she sat there and told me shes lost sleep over this. well i told her to get on the phone with her doctor at 730 when they open up and I hope she listens (shes older than me) so I can't tell her what to do as she thinks I am this young stupid person.


When I had pain I would throw up but the pain would not go away. It hurt even when I would take a breath. I would try curling up on the floor but nothing took the pain away. One night was extremely bad and I went to the er and they gave me morphine through an iv. That took the pain away immediately and I could finally get some sleep.

I had gall bladder removed a few months ago. Just couldnt get up very easily once I was laying down. I was lucky that my husband could take off work and take care of kids so I could rest. He also brought me my pain med every 6 hours so the pain wouldnt start. I needed pain med the first few days and then I was good. You just have to take it easy.