gallbladder surgery



who has had it and can tell me what the deal is. I go for my apt 2 july to set up surgery. how long were you unable to do things for etc. How many days were you in the hospital or is it outpatient surgery?


American Beauty
PREMO Member
who has had it and can tell me what the deal is. I go for my apt 2 july to set up surgery. how long were you unable to do things for etc. How many days were you in the hospital or is it outpatient surgery?

What did your doctor tell you?


i just got my apt to meet with the surgeon. I haven't had any apts as of yet. I asked the lady who answered the phone and she said it was up to dr.roache as to how the surgery is going to have to be done etc.


Throwing the deuces
My husband had it done in 2000/2001. Was supposed to be a fairly routine surgery however they nicked his rib with one of the instruments and he was in some serious pain for weeks. Unfortunately, I wasn't much help to him as I was past my due date with Kid #1 and trying to get him up and about was not an easy thing to do in my condition. :lol:

Good luck though. Like I said, it's usually a very routine surgery and normally you're back and ready to go in a few days.


Happy Camper
Mine was in and out. Off work for about a week and a half. Felt sore for 2 or 3 days afterward. Mine was able to be done laparoscopically. If they can do it that way, it's no big deal. Obviously, your surgeon will be able to give you more details as they are the experts!! Good luck.


New Member
I had mine taken out in Nov. 2005. It's in and out surgery, I was completely out of it for about 2 days though. And watch the pain pills, last thing you want to do after surgery is be constipated, causes ALOT of discomfort. But beware, it is a dietary change. Watch out for greasy foods and red meat. Until you know how your body will react, and how fast it reacts, don't stray to far from the restroom.


i don't plan to be far from home with eating for atleat the first week or so and if i go out anywhere i will wait til i get home to eat so i can use my own bathroom. right now all i am really able to eat is chicken with no spices on it whatsoever and carrots and wildrice with mushrooms in it and blackberries cherries and blueberries and 1 tablspoon of 0percent fat greek yogurt. anything i eat makes me hurt but i refuse to starve myself to death.


New Member
I wasn't able to take care of my cats for about a week after the operation. Once I finally recovered, I had to steam clean the carpets to try and get the scent of cat urine and feces out.


i am hoping to be able to get my mom to drive over every other day to take care of the cat for me. she will need food and her litter pan cleaned out. I am going to take the dog to my moms with me and she and my stepdad will care for her as I won't be able to at all. I need to find out from the surgeon when i go how long i will have to not take care of the dog for as she is leash walked and if she sees something she pulls and shes also a jumper too. I will also stay at my moms as she has less stairs to get in and out of the house with and i bet they don't want you doing stairs at all after the surgery but i will find that out too.


how did you guys that had your gallbladder out manage the pain before you went and had it removed? My doctor gave me some pain meds but the nurse took it into her hands yesterday and told me the doctor wouldn't give me anymore to get me til i had the surgery and the pain is very bad. I waited to long for a pain pill this am and now i pay the price ugh :(.


USMC 1983-1995
You are lucky - I had mine out in 1990 - full blown surgery, I have I nice 6 inch scar where they cut through my abdominal mucles to get to it. Very long and painful recovery. My Sis had the new surgery, she was back to work after a week.

I had a very restrictive diet beforehand - No fats, roughage (watch your grains), raw veggies, beans, alchohol - nothing that would cause bile to be released in mass. I could have steamed veggies, skim milk , fish, chicken, lean beef & pork. Think fat free, cooked and bland. After you have the surgery continue to eat this way for at leaset a week and SLOWLY reintroduce the no-no's back into your diet.


thanks for the info areogal. So far all i can do is a handful of berries or 7 cherries and then i am full and the pain starts in. I can also do one small slice of chicken and 4 baby carrots and rice those are the only things i am able to eat at any given time. yesterday i had berries for 4 out of my 5 small meals and then lastnight i got a little hungry and ate 1 small piece of chicken (2oz) and 4 baby carrots and s teaspoon of rice. which isn't much but i can't eat without pain and the doctor told me no more pain meds because i wouldn't know if my gallbladder burst if i took them. A few told me if the pain got to bad to go to the er and see if they can get dr.roache to come in and talke to me and do emergency surgery to get rid of it. if not i have to tough it out til july 2nd til i can get in for my consultation then after that we set up surgery just hoping he can get me in pretty quick for it so i can be done with being in pain.


New Member
I didn't have ANY problems up until 4 days before it was removed. I had a hysterectomy 4 weeks prior to my attack. They think the aggravation to my insides from the surgery disturbed it. I only had one gall stone and it was bigger than the gall bladder. Since I already had a prescription for pain meds from my hysterectomy, that's what I took.


USMC 1983-1995
Remember - the more your gut has to work to process the food, the more the liver is going to react and cause the gall bladder to fill and dispense. The berries have
1. fiber
2. seeds
3. might ferment in your stomache
all causing the bile duct to react.

Eat 5 small meals a day if you have to. You could have a WHEY protein mix with essential vitamins and minerals. It may have digestable fiber but it shouldn't bother you because it's pulverized. Try having some SEEDless natural jam mixed in fat free yogurt, cook those carrots (and all your other veggies) till they're soft, eat 5 small meals a day if you have to. All whole grains, fruits and veggies have fiber. Cooking helps to break it down.

Nanny Pam

Remember - the more your gut has to work to process the food, the more the liver is going to react and cause the gall bladder to fill and dispense. The berries have
1. fiber
2. seeds
3. might ferment in your stomache
all causing the bile duct to react.

Eat 5 small meals a day if you have to. You could have a WHEY protein mix with essential vitamins and minerals. It may have digestable fiber but it shouldn't bother you because it's pulverized. Try having some SEEDless natural jam mixed in fat free yogurt, cook those carrots (and all your other veggies) till they're soft, eat 5 small meals a day if you have to. All whole grains, fruits and veggies have fiber. Cooking helps to break it down.

:banghead: <----- this could be you before the day is over. I'm just sayin'.


no i made up a batch of rice and only can eat a teaspoon at a time kwillia
no i made up a batch of rice and only can eat a teaspoon at a time kwillia
Cool... heck at a teaspoon a serving, you should still have rice left to eat for when you get back from surgery!

Is this their final answer on the pain you've been chasing for about a year? I thought they fixed it by redoing your female plumbing?


my first problem was an ovarian cyst that took the doctor over 2months to figure out. last friday i had pulled pork and within 30min of eating it i was in excruciating pain and thought it was heartburn but it never went away so monday i marched into my docs office they did a sonogram which came back normal so they sent me for a hida scan and that showed the problem (my gallbladder). today i called dr.roaches office and set up for me to meet with him about scheduling surgery. not sure when surgery is going to be yet i will find that out on the 2nd.