gallbladder surgery


New Member
Mine was in and out. I was able to have it done laparoscopicly. I was up the next morning cooking pancakes for breakfast just because I felt decent. Had it done on a Thursday and was back at work on Monday. As long as I kept up with the pain meds for a couple of days and didn't overdo it I was good!


Well-Known Member
Mine was easy peasy. In fact, I was up and at 'em so fast I helped the doc close my incisions.

And why are you waiting until July 2nd for the appointment?


that was the earliest the surgeon could see me. I think hes one of the head of surgeons at the hospital i am having my surgery at. He had nothing next week at all.


Active Member
I had mine done September of last year. I had the laparoscopic outpatient procedure and was in and out. The pain afterwards was bearable. I was on the Rx meds for about three days then just OTC for the rest of the week.
I am just now feeling back to normal appetite wise but the way I felt between surgery and now was 100 xs better than pre surgery so it was not big deal.


i don't know how bad my gallbladder is i guess i will find out when i go see the surgeon as he will have all my stuff infront of him that the hospital did test wise. I am hoping it can be done laporscopically instead of cut me open deal. how long was it before you could lift anything puggymom? Do you still have to watch what you eat etc. alot of people have told me that i will never be able to eat fried foods again or any fatty foods etc. I guess I will find out more when i see the surgeon as to what i can and can't have once i have the surgery.


Happy Camper
i don't know how bad my gallbladder is i guess i will find out when i go see the surgeon as he will have all my stuff infront of him that the hospital did test wise. I am hoping it can be done laporscopically instead of cut me open deal. how long was it before you could lift anything puggymom? Do you still have to watch what you eat etc. alot of people have told me that i will never be able to eat fried foods again or any fatty foods etc. I guess I will find out more when i see the surgeon as to what i can and can't have once i have the surgery.

JP, everyone is different. I can eat some fried foods and they don't bother me. Other things will drive me nuts. Somtimes, it seems there is no rhyme or reason to what affects you. It's something you will have to determine for yourself... Trial and error!! As for the lifting, I think it was nothing over 5 pounds for a week. Then, as tolerated. It's been several years, so I don't really remember.

My main problem was that I had trouble with the anesthesia. Every time they put me under, I :barf: when I wake up... Repeatedly! I think that made me more sore than I would have been otherwise. The surgeon will definitely be a better source of info than any of us. You'll be fine.


wandering aimlessly

My main problem was that I had trouble with the anesthesia. Every time they put me under, I :barf: when I wake up... Repeatedly! I think that made me more sore than I would have been otherwise. The surgeon will definitely be a better source of info than any of us. You'll be fine.
That is my response to anesthesia as well. I told them about it and at my last surgery they added something to the IV to keep me from tossing. If you are sensitive jp make sure they know.


Happy Camper
That is my response to anesthesia as well. I told them about it and at my last surgery they added something to the IV to keep me from tossing. If you are sensitive jp make sure they know.

I made sure they knew that with me and they said they had "new" medicine they could give me to keep it from happening. It worked until I stood up. Then... :barf: I think it is just something with me! :lol: It has gotten better though! Hopefully, before I need any more surgery, they will develop something that will work for me!!


Active Member
i don't know how bad my gallbladder is i guess i will find out when i go see the surgeon as he will have all my stuff infront of him that the hospital did test wise. I am hoping it can be done laporscopically instead of cut me open deal. how long was it before you could lift anything puggymom? Do you still have to watch what you eat etc. alot of people have told me that i will never be able to eat fried foods again or any fatty foods etc. I guess I will find out more when i see the surgeon as to what i can and can't have once i have the surgery.

I really think it varies person to person. In the beginning I would not even try certain things but it was more out of habit because of the 5 months I was having issues beforehand.
After a while I started testing things. I can eat most things I did before except overly spicy and alcohol. Fried foods are fine for me but in moderation.
My dad on the other hand had it done several years ago and has no food issues at all.

Oh and for lifting I was lifting my 30 lb son after a week even though I was not supposed to.


wandering aimlessly
I made sure they knew that with me and they said they had "new" medicine they could give me to keep it from happening. It worked until I stood up. Then... :barf: I think it is just something with me! :lol: It has gotten better though! Hopefully, before I need any more surgery, they will develop something that will work for me!!
Sorry to hear that. I suffer from vertigo - causing nausea, and also am highly sensitive to pain meds as they cause nausea. Phenergen (anti-nausea med) and I are close pals, unfortunately it puts me to sleep.


That is my response to anesthesia as well. I told them about it and at my last surgery they added something to the IV to keep me from tossing. If you are sensitive jp make sure they know.

i will be definately making sure i get stuff for this problem as i do the same thing :barf: when given anesthesia


Had it done in 95. Had to stay overnight due to a reaction to the anesthetic and Demerol given for post surgical back pain. Drove myself home (not recommended) from the hospital and went to bed. Used the pain meds for 1 day. Ate soup for a couple days then resumed a fairly normal diet. I was up and around moving slow on day 2, back to work on day 6 with lifting limitations. At week 2 I was back to normal work and diet, and have not had any problems since. If your job entails either standing or sitting for long periods I would suggest a belly band of some sort (kidney belt worked great) to assist your posture while healing.

These days the only time they have to do a full incision is if the bladder is full of large stones or it or the ducts have ruptured. Most of the time it is just the two 1" scars and the two stab wounds on the sides.

Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
i just got my apt to meet with the surgeon. I haven't had any apts as of yet. I asked the lady who answered the phone and she said it was up to dr.roache as to how the surgery is going to have to be done etc.
I thought you live in an apt.:confused:


Well-Known Member
I suffered w/gallbladder problems for 1 yr to the day when I had lapro. surgery 7 yrs ago. It is true as with most folks; each patient reacts in their own way.

I knew I was 6' tall and thought I was bulletproof-this procedure knocked the wind out of my sails. I had prepared myself, my home; made arrangements for my pets and thought things out-wrong!

What started out as in/out surgery ended up w/me in the hosp. for 4 days; by the time I was released (yes you need someone to drive you home) most of my planning went out the window.

First thing I had to figure out was how to get in/out of bed. That was a challenge in itself. I wish I would have had someone stay 24-36 hrs w/me just to keep me motivated and moving. All I wanted to do was sleep.

I prepared everything for my in/out stay-not an emergency stay of 4 days. I had folks scrambling and shuffling to accommodate me. It was stressful.

I'm sure all well go smoothly for you jp-but prepare-prepare-prepare. Good luck to you!