Ganglion cysts


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
morganj614 said:
I need to get off this computer before lightning strikes me. :lol:
I am sure God has a sense of humor. After all, He created me.

Don't laugh. He created you, too.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
appyday said:
All gone...Thank god..(sorry A2) I cant believe :gossip: even tried to pop them for me...been 6 months...I am tickled I can "ride" again...

I think I need to get one of those voodoo dolls from MysticalMom and see if it "magically" reappears. :whistle:

And I'm not EVEN going to ask the context of the word "ride." :lalala:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
appyday said:
Honestly I feel better with you saying that then Mysticalmom... :lmao:
Yeah. Well mine comes from a movie. Hers comes from wherever hers comes from. I just know I don't want to go there.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I have a ganglion cyst on my left wrist. I freaked out when it appeared but waited a week or so before I went to the Dr. He stuck a needle in it and drained it out, no biggie. It came back a month or so later but the doc said if it is causing pain or limiting mobility then come back. Haven't been since.


Hey there. Have worked in the Pathology field for a while and would recommend surgical removal. See below.

(Dermoid, Epidermal, Sebaceous)

--A slow-growing, benign cystic tumor found in the subcutaneous tissue below the skin or in the intradermal tissue of the skin.

Causes and Incidence Cyst formation is commonly caused by inflammation, internal rupture of an acne pustule or whitehead, impaired localized circulation, or trauma. Some individuals may be genetically predisposed to cyst formation.

Disease Process Cysts contain a soft, yellow-white, cheesy substance that is often fetid and that forms when a hair follicle becomes obstructed. The contents of the cyst are determined by the type of cyst. Dermoid cysts are located deep in the subcutaneous tissue; have walls of keratinizing epidermis containing sweat glands, hair follicles, and sebaceous glands; and are often present at birth. Epidermal cysts (i.e., acne cysts) are found in the epidermis on the face, scalp, neck, and back; they contain laminated layers of keratin. Sebaceous cysts, or wens, occur primarily on the scalp and contain soft keratin, epidermal debris, and greasy material.

Symptoms Cysts are found on or under the skin, are generally less than 3 cm in diameter, and are round, firm, globular, and movable to the touch. They are nontender unless infected. Cysts, particularly sebaceous type, can grow as large as a grapefruit.

Potential Complications Cysts may become infected.

Diagnostic Tests A characteristic lesion is seen on clinical examination.


Excision of the cyst and cyst wall; incision and drainage of infected cysts

Antibiotics for infected cysts

Instruction not to touch, squeeze, or pick lesions, since this may lead to infection

Excerpted from Mosby's Medical Encyclopedia
Copyright (c) 1994-5, 1996, 1997 The Learning Company Inc. All Rights Reserved


Go Braves!
Keesa said:
Hey there. Have worked in the Pathology field for a while and would recommend surgical removal. See below.

(Dermoid, Epidermal, Sebaceous)
Have you done any pathology stuff on some of those freaky dermoids:popcorn:


Yes! You would be so FREAKED by what I've seen. Ever heard of a "teratoma?" It's a cyst that grows from germ cells and it's almost like stem cells - it can grow ANYTHING. It's a bit surprising when it's cut open and you find hair or even TEETH!


New Member
Subaceous runs in the family, especially on my sons heads. #1 sons last cyst got so big, I think he named it before it was removed :killingme I have them throughout my body, kind of like braille :roflmao:

Keesa said:
Hey there. Have worked in the Pathology field for a while and would recommend surgical removal. See below.
(Dermoid, Epidermal, Sebaceous)
--A slow-growing, benign cystic tumor found in the subcutaneous tissue below the skin or in the intradermal tissue of the skin.
Some individuals may be genetically predisposed to cyst formation.
Sebaceous cysts, or wens, occur primarily on the scalp and contain soft keratin, epidermal debris, and greasy material.

Cysts, particularly sebaceous type, can grow as large as a grapefruit.

Potential Complications Cysts may become infected.

Excerpted from Mosby's Medical Encyclopedia
Copyright (c) 1994-5, 1996, 1997 The Learning Company Inc. All Rights Reserved


Go Braves!
Keesa said:
Yes! You would be so FREAKED by what I've seen. Ever heard of a "teratoma?" It's a cyst that grows from germ cells and it's almost like stem cells - it can grow ANYTHING. It's a bit surprising when it's cut open and you find hair or even TEETH!
Yep, we've had a few patients with those:yay:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Keesa said:
Yes! You would be so FREAKED by what I've seen. Ever heard of a "teratoma?" It's a cyst that grows from germ cells and it's almost like stem cells - it can grow ANYTHING. It's a bit surprising when it's cut open and you find hair or even TEETH!

I saw one of those being removed on a show on TV and it was definitely freaky. :twitch:


It's Stephen King's "Darker Half"! Or even more funny - the scene from "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" when the woman starts talking to the new in-laws about having her "twin" cut out of her! LOLOLOLOLOL. Great movie.