Gas prices checker....


No Longer the Kid
So was both Wa Wa's on 235 :yay: but good to know about Sheetz, Id rather go there so I can pump, an then pay, instead of guessing by paying then pumping...


"Fluffy world destroyer"
New Law Could Cause Gas Price Decrease

Officials: Bill Would Save Money Spent On Gas

POSTED: 6:57 pm EST February 1, 2006
UPDATED: 7:42 pm EST February 1, 2006

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<!--startindex-->ANNAPOLIS, Md. -- Some Republican lawmakers in Annapolis say a change in state law could save you money at the gas pump.

They want to repeal a Maryland state law that prevents retailers from selling gasoline at prices below cost.

Officials said the change would promote competition and benefit consumers.

But service station owners say the law keeps them in business by protecting them from convenience store chains that buy wholesale gasoline cheaper than they can. <TABLE class=storyAd cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=storyAdObj>
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The Smart Hooker
The cheapest in my area is $2.35. I guess I shouldn't complain because it was $2.43 last weekend. Nothing like driving a gas guzzeling beast. I love it. :lmao:


You're all F'in Mad...
Dutch6 said:
Some Republican lawmakers in Annapolis say a change in state law could save you money at the gas pump.

They want to repeal a Maryland state law that prevents retailers from selling gasoline at prices below cost.

Officials said the change would promote competition and benefit consumers.

But service station owners say the law keeps them in business by protecting them from convenience store chains that buy wholesale gasoline cheaper than they can.

Already we don't have many service stations left. Maybe a half-dozen in St. Mary's County? The rest became convenience/liquor stores

It's amazing that we need a state law to protect small business from the predatory practice of selling below cost. Wal-Mart hasn't been allowed to maintain this practice across the country. When Wawa and Sheetz make the fuel business unprofitable with their sub-par fuel products, how does that benefit any consumer in the long term?

Normally I agree with the Republicans. But I think they're wrong this time.