New Member
We all learned about supply and demand in school. the more people have of one thing, the less it is actually worth. In order to get the gas prices down I figure that if everyone starts investing in the oil industry, then everyone will have to be paid the outrageous profits the oil companies seem to be making lately. It should either (A) offset the cost of gas and or (B) since everyone now has stock in oil it wont be worth as much. I don't know how much gas stock is worth but I'm gonna ind out real quick. If and when they switch to the E-85 Ethanol fuel you can bet I'm gonna be grabbing some of that too. It will keep them from spiking the prices on that answer to fossil fuel. Same thing goes for rising electric prices. If everyone becomes Corporate America. Then the Corporate America will have a say at what everything costs. We will control our own prices instead of being told what we have to pay.