Gay Jersey Governor


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What an idiot! Did anyone see his speech? Talk about a friggin' moron! How did this guy get elected in the first place, with all that touchy-feely girly man garbage? He didn't give a resignation speech - he held an encounter session. Every word, every gesture - it was just beyond belief.

(I just deleted a whole rant about New Jersey because Larry said it was mean. You're welcome.)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
But I will say two words to cement my opinion: poet laureate. :rolleyes: What is wrong with that state?????


New Member
It looks to me like Gov. McGreevey was merely trying to make an issue of corruption into an issue of homosexuality and its acceptance. I don't have a problem with the man's sexual orientation, what bothers me is that he would give his homosexual lover special consideration for important jobs like director of the state's homeland security department when he was clearly unqualified.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by rraley
It looks to me like Gov. McGreevey was merely trying to make an issue of corruption into an issue of homosexuality and its acceptance.
That was the general consensus among the talk show set, with the exception of a few die-hards. His speech was just beyond belief.

Now the lover is crying rape, which is just absurd. I think he's just looking for a payday. But how does some guy who should be the poster child for poor judgement get to be Governor???


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
ask Clinton
I almost think this guy has him beat. When I first heard a news blip for the story - "Governor admits he's gay" - I was like, big deal - it's been done. Then they said he was married and I was slightly more interested. Then they started talking about all the shady and corrupt things this guy's been involved in and now I'm all ears.


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
But how does some guy who should be the poster child for poor judgement get to be Governor???

As governor, McGreevey has experience lapse of judgement after lapse of judgement, but his 2001 campaign for governor was very good and he took a great number of positive positions on the issues. Combine his good campaign with an opponent who earned the label of extremist during the GOP primary and sixteen years of GOP control of the governorship and you have an easy 56-42% McGreevey victory in 2001.


New Member
This should serve as an example -- someone who can take a "great number of positive positions on the issues" without principle (no matter what political affiliation) is just a tard, unworthy of the responsibility of office.


Asperger's Poster Child
I didn't see the speech, but I'm with Rraley. I see the issue as corruption. If McGreevey tried to make it about homosexuality, that's no different from Marion Barry crying racism.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by citysherry
Why do women marry girlie-men:confused:

Well, this governor prefers manly military men, apparently:

sources close to McGreevey told the Associated Press and other news organizations that the man with whom McGreevey had his romance was Golan Cipel, an Israeli whom McGreevey appointed in 2002 to be his closest adviser on counterterrorism, at an annual cost to New Jersey’s taxpayers of $110,000 a year.

"Golan has served in the Israeli military. He is uniquely qualified to point out weaknesses," McGreevey told the Bergen Record in February of 2002. McGreevey said Cipel had offered "invaluable insights" into security issues.


New Member
Originally posted by SurfaceTension
someone who can take a "great number of positive positions on the issues" without principle

How did you come to the conclusion that he took his positions based on a lack of principle?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
"Golan has served in the Israeli military. He is uniquely qualified to point out weaknesses," McGreevey told the Bergen Record in February of 2002. McGreevey said Cipel had offered "invaluable insights" into security issues.
Lord! Next we'll find out he's a member of Al Qaeda. :lmao:


New Member
Originally posted by rraley
How did you come to the conclusion that he took his positions based on a lack of principle?

Perhaps I should have said principled. For instance, appointing a secret gay lover to a important position is a lack of judgement; appointing a secret gay lover who is unquailified (to say the least) to an important top security position is something more. Anybody politician spout popular views, with finger in the air to check wind direction...But in the end ('scuse the pun) it comes back to the character issue, whereby if you can trust the candidate to make important decisions based on what he feels is right for all, or just right for him.


New Member
Originally posted by SurfaceTension
Perhaps I should have said principled. For instance, appointing a secret gay lover to a important position is a lack of judgement; appointing a secret gay lover who is unquailified (to say the least) to an important top security position is something more. Anybody politician spout popular views, with finger in the air to check wind direction...But in the end ('scuse the pun) it comes back to the character issue, whereby if you can trust the candidate to make important decisions based on what he feels is right for all, or just right for him.

From what I see, however, nothing in the 2001 Campaign would point to McGreevey having poor judgement. His actions in office, however, violated the public trust and showed poor judgement. It is just very difficult to make deicisons about a candidate's judgement during a campaign. The only realm to make those sort of decisions occurs when one governs. At least, that's how I see it.


Dancing Up A Storm
:cool: I almost lost my cup of coffee this morning as I was listening in to "Imus in the Morning"; they were discussing this issue, how and when the two men met, and one of the guys in the studio blurts out:

"Well, it's clear from where I'm standing McGreevey obviously developed a taste for Jewish se(a)men."
(Imus about lost it, right then and there.)

I could not believe they said that on national TV!!

What's more, I happened to have the closed captioning function on, and the way the transcriber typed the text was not "seaman"!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by rraley
From what I see, however, nothing in the 2001 Campaign would point to McGreevey having poor judgement.
Just goes to show you - liberal Democrats are a bunch of wayward screwballs. If they're pro-liberal weirdness, it's only a matter of time before they start porking some Israeli soldier. :shrug:
