Gay/Strait quiz.........


Well-Known Member
aps45819 said:
It's interesting that you spelled "gay" correctly but blew it on "straight".

Maybe I was asking if you were gay or if you are more like a narrow passage of water connecting two large bodies of the stuff I put in the quiz.....and thats the best that you could come up with?.....amazing...


Here's MY Gay/Straight quiz:

For Men:
Do you like to smoke teh hog? (Y/N)

For Women:
Do you like to kiss girls... down there? (Y/N)

If you answered 'Yes' to either question, you are a ghey.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.


New Member
<div style="width: 320px; border: 1px solid gray; padding: 6px; font: normal 12px arial, verdana, sans-serif; color: black; background-color: white;"><b style="color: black; font: bold 20px 'Times New Roman', serif; display: block; margin-bottom: 8px;">100% Your a gay bastard</b> <div style="width: 200px; background: white; border: 1px solid black; text-align: left;"><div style="width: 100%; background: red; font-size: 8px; line-height: 8px;"> </div></div><p style="margin: 10px; border: none; background: white; color: black;"> your so gay, you have flames shooting out of your ass. Whether your a sword fighter or a carpet muncher.....your still gay! So be gay and be proud.....<br><br><b><a href="" style="color: blue;">Are you gay or strait</a><br><a href="" style="color: blue;">Create Your Own Quiz</a></b></p></div>

So what does this mean??:confused:


fttrsbeerwench said:
<div style="width: 320px; border: 1px solid gray; padding: 6px; font: normal 12px arial, verdana, sans-serif; color: black; background-color: white;"><b style="color: black; font: bold 20px 'Times New Roman', serif; display: block; margin-bottom: 8px;">100% Your a gay bastard</b> <div style="width: 200px; background: white; border: 1px solid black; text-align: left;"><div style="width: 100%; background: red; font-size: 8px; line-height: 8px;"> </div></div><p style="margin: 10px; border: none; background: white; color: black;"> your so gay, you have flames shooting out of your ass. Whether your a sword fighter or a carpet muncher.....your still gay! So be gay and be proud.....<br><br><b><a href="" style="color: blue;">Are you gay or strait</a><br><a href="" style="color: blue;">Create Your Own Quiz</a></b></p></div>

So what does this mean??:confused:

It means you maxed out their gay-dar.


New Member

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=300 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>Lesbian

</TD><TD><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=100 bgColor=#dddddd border=1><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD>100%</TD></TR><TR><TD>Bisexual

</TD><TD><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=100 bgColor=#dddddd border=1><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD>100%</TD></TR><TR><TD>Gay

</TD><TD><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=75 bgColor=#dddddd border=1><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD>75%</TD></TR><TR><TD>Straight

</TD><TD><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=65 bgColor=#dddddd border=1><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD>65%</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>