Gen. Mark Milley Compared Trump Supporters To Nazis: ‘These Are The Same People We Fought In World War II’


PREMO Member
Wrong - There was an attempted coup. A failed insurrection by a group of thugs who were pissed off because they couldn't nullify an election. They all need to be imprisoned.

There was no "attempted coup" either.

There were a group of rowdy protestors who waltzed into the capitol, doors held open for them by Capitol Police, and they caused property destruction, chaos and bedlam.

No coup. No insurrection. No overthrow.

Just a riotous bunch.

All the wishing and imagining on your part can't make it anything more.


Active Member


PREMO Member
The videos don't lie. Although some cops posed for p[ics. We know that many LEOs are members of the boogaloo boys and other alt-right white supremacist groups. In fact, the FBI has documented reports that white supremacists and militias have infiltrated police across the country.

:roflmao: :killingme :roflmao: :killingme :roflmao: :killingme :roflmao: :killingme :roflmao:

I hope you cleaned the tin foil before you made that hat.

:roflmao: :killingme :roflmao: :killingme :roflmao: :killingme :roflmao: :killingme :roflmao:


Active Member
First, BLM did not exist in MLKs time.

Second, you ascribe nefarious motive to Grumpys meme based on what?
No crap Sherlock! But we did have the NAACP, SCLC, and SNCC among the others. All of these groups fought for the rights of black people and minorities. Their tactics, marching, sit-ins, boycotts, kneeling, are no different than what BLM does today.

Nope - no nefarious motives. I just find it so interesting that MLK's quotes and pics are used when Black Lives Matter is brought into the discussion. You folks know so little about MLK other than the first sentence of the I Have a Dream speech.


PREMO Member
No crap Sherlock! But we did have the NAACP, SCLC, and SNCC among the others. All of these groups fought for the rights of black people and minorities. Their tactics, marching, sit-ins, boycotts, kneeling, are no different than what BLM does today.

Well then SHERLOCK, why did you use BLM. It' isn't relevant?

I don't recall MLK or the NAACP lighting cities on fire, attacking people, looting businesses. But if you have evidence they did' please provide.

If only you got smarter each time you change account names! :roflmao:


Active Member
Well then SHERLOCK, why did you use BLM. It' isn't relevant?

I don't recall MLK or the NAACP lighting cities on fire, attacking people, looting businesses But if you have evidence they did' please provide.

If only you got smarter each time you change account names! :roflmao:
You guys are hilarious.


Well-Known Member
Wrong - There was an attempted coup. A failed insurrection by a group of thugs who were pissed off because they couldn't nullify an election. They all need to be imprisoned.
You’re delusional. If a coup was indeed what they went there for they would have been armed and pulled it off. Most were let in by the Capitol police and did no more than break a few things and disrupt daily activities. As Obama would say “there were a few bad actors in the group”.
What happened on the 6th was no worse than what happened across the USA by antifa and blm.

And I reiterate once again….you are free to pack up and leave this country if you loathe it so much. I suggest you try going to Afghanistan.