BuddyLee can not tell a lie!!
Anyway, I love family history, I am even intersted in famlies that aren't mine. It's just cool to look up stuff and make connections. I had and uncle who was the Governor of Arkansas in the 60's and now I want to try to find how far back my Cherokee roots go. I have found one true full blooded relative(great great grandmother) but since the Cherokee are split between the Eastern and Western tribes back in the day, I am having trouble going past that..GRR! This is a very frustrating past time, but I have always gotten in to it. I still have the 15 generation family tree I did in the 7th grade.(Got an A plus!!) There are feild trips to the National Archives you can find through the local Geneology Society. If you aren't from here you best start is tax and death/marriage records from the area you last had alot of relatives. So far I have been able to go back to about 1780!!