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Question answered, thanks for the help
Question answered, thanks for the help
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OP, it very well may work out like that. If she loses her job, she can at least ask for a modification of child support. That's no guarantee a judge would grant it, but it's a possibility. Imo, it's in his best interest to ensure she keeps her job for his kids sake, unless she is regularly violent and then he should put a stop to it and gain custody regardless of childcare issues.
I disagree.
I know a couple that split. After they split, she quit her job thinking she was going to be getting more child support if she didn't work. The judge took into consideration her "ability" to earn X amount of $ per her history. Child support was granted based on her "potential" earnings. You can't expect to get more money because you quit your job or get fired because of your own doing.
Why did she punch him?
That's a real question. If she just up and slugged him out of the blue, then he really needs to get custody of those kids. If he started in on her, which led to a fight, which led to her punching him in the face, then he should take his lumps and get over it.
Bull####. I thought women wanted equal respect to men? Then take equal responsibility.
If I hit someone (doesn't matter if it's a man or woman), I can, and probably will, suffer negative consequences for it. And it should be the same for a woman. If you aren't responsible for your own actions, then you shouldn't enjoy the same freedoms and benefits as those of us who do.
I think he should ask his lawyer
Also, I don't agree with those saying he should take the punch like a man. I mean, if he'd hit her would she just take the punch like a woman? No. It's not okay for a woman to hit a man either. Sure, it sucks to have the child in the middle but letting this kind of behavior happen only shows the child that it's acceptable behavior. What a crappy situation to be in.
without going into detail at all, he was in no way the aggressor. She grabbed his phone from him, saw something she didnt like, threw it on the ground, stomped it and punched him with daughter in hand. He is more pissed about the child than anything.
But yes, he has been in contact with his attorney. I was just wondering which side people fell on that fence.
without going into detail at all, he was in no way the aggressor. She grabbed his phone from him, saw something she didnt like, threw it on the ground, stomped it and punched him with daughter in hand. He is more pissed about the child than anything.
But yes, he has been in contact with his attorney. I was just wondering which side people fell on that fence.
You picked her, dude. Enjoy!
Please do not misunderstand. If she started the crap and he punched her, I would say the same thing.
I was raised, 'you DO NOT hit women'; whether they deserve it or not.
I once dated a girl, when I was in hight school who made me SO mad at her one time, I just had to grit my teeth and walk away.
OTOH, if a woman I happened to be in a relationship with hit me, I would at least retaliate with a firm the throat.
without going into detail at all, he was in no way the aggressor. She grabbed his phone from him, saw something she didnt like, threw it on the ground, stomped it and punched him with daughter in hand. He is more pissed about the child than anything.