Genesis 19 Get out now!


Well-Known Member
Genesis 19:18 But Lot said to them, “No, my lords,(b) please! 19 Your[c] servant has found favor in your[d] eyes, and you[e] have shown great kindness to me in sparing my life. But I can’t flee to the mountains; this disaster will overtake me, and I’ll die. 20 Look, here is a town near enough to run to, and it is small. Let me flee to it—it is very small, isn’t it? Then my life will be spared.”

21 He said to him, “Very well, I will grant this request too; I will not overthrow the town you speak of. 22 But flee there quickly, because I cannot do anything until you reach it.” (That is why the town was called Zoar.[f])​

b. Genesis 19:18 Or No, Lord; or No, my lord
c. Genesis 19:19 The Hebrew is singular.
d. Genesis 19:19 The Hebrew is singular.
e. Genesis 19:19 The Hebrew is singular.
f. Genesis 19:22 Zoar means small.

This commentary is from the easy English site.

The angels warned Lot that he should get out of Sodom quickly. Lot and his family needed to go immediately when daylight came. Lot probably had other married daughters in Sodom. Lot did not obey God immediately like Noah and Abraham did. Lot was in great danger. That shows again how evil the people in Sodom were. God showed great mercy towards Lot. But the people in Sodom were so wicked that God had to punish them. That was because God is holy.

Lot appealed to God. He asked God to save Zoar.

Abraham had also appealed to God. He loved the people in Sodom and he cared about them. So he had asked God to save Sodom. Lot, however, was selfish when he asked God to save Zoar. Lot asked it because he needed a place to live. And Zoar was a city. He thought that it would be a better place to live than the mountains. Although the people there were not righteous, it was only a small city. So maybe God would be willing to save it. But Lot still did not hurry. He still wanted to do things in his own way. He was not willing to trust that God knew best.

God answered Lot’s prayer for Zoar, although it was a selfish prayer. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah very quickly. The valley had been a very good place where food plants grew well. But now nothing would grow there. And one can still smell sulphur there.​



New Member
Very localized culture Sodom. I mean, here you have a town within running distance basically, but unlike sodom every man in the town is not a homosexual rapist.


Well-Known Member
Very localized culture Sodom. I mean, here you have a town within running distance basically, but unlike sodom every man in the town is not a homosexual rapist.

People choose their own lifestyles and hang out with the like. God always provides a way out for those that will just listen. But the old human pride and ego thing way to often takes control. Too bad Lot's wife left her heart in Sodom and could not resist looking back to what she would be missing, and apparently his two sons in laws never gave a thought to giving up their "good life".


New Member
People choose their own lifestyles and hang out with the like. God always provides a way out for those that will just listen. But the old human pride and ego thing way to often takes control. Too bad Lot's wife left her heart in Sodom and could not resist looking back to what she would be missing, and apparently his two sons in laws never gave a thought to giving up their "good life".

That wasn't what I said. What I said was it's odd that within walking distance is a city that has a completely and utterly different culture.


Well-Known Member
That wasn't what I said. What I said was it's odd that within walking distance is a city that has a completely and utterly different culture.

Nothing odd about that at all. Back then you often found completely different cultures and beliefs in close proximity to one another. You have the same thing today - look at any muslim enclave in any western/civilized state.


New Member
Nothing odd about that at all. Back then you often found completely different cultures and beliefs in close proximity to one another. You have the same thing today - look at any muslim enclave in any western/civilized state.

Er, no, because of trade. There's a reason we talking about "Mesopotamian culture".


Well-Known Member
Er, no, because of trade. There's a reason we talking about "Mesopotamian culture".

Er, not really. Don't know where you came up with the "Mesopotamian culture", which was located in what is current day Iraq, parts of Eastern/northern Syria, and Turkey. Nowhere near the biblical Sodom, which belonged to Abraham and and the Hebrews. The archeological discovery of Sodom is just south of the Dead Sea.


Thought pirate
Nothing odd about that at all. Back then you often found completely different cultures and beliefs in close proximity to one another. You have the same thing today - look at any muslim enclave in any western/civilized state.

Just curious, why did you choose muslim?