

Active Member
Used to do it quite a lot, have'nt had time to go this summer, There are a ton os cache's in this area. It is habit forming.


You're a LOON :)
We tried it but we didn't have a portable GPS.. we used our car one for to get as far as we could. The only thing we got was DH with chiggers :lmao: I haven't been able to convince him to try it again. I have been looking at getting a hand held GPS.


New Member
it is a lot of fun. I wish I had more time to go. Maryland has a great group as does Virginia. My friend (ex g/f)'s parents go ALL THE TIME.


New Member
You betcha! I've been geocaching since 2003 and though I don't have "the numbers" that others do, it's still a lot of fun. Early on my kids liked doing it which gave us something to do together. It gets you off the couch and out there. Some of my best experiences have been while exploring areas I didn't even know existed, right here in my own backyard! Woody (the previous poster) has been rather prolific here in St. Mary's County and I second what he says about checking out the Maryland Geocaching Society.

Nattie_Bo (a.k.a. "Shiraz-mataz" to my geo-buddies...)