For your consideration ...
This is a very good explanation of the recent CME event, but this vid, and many others are predicting there are many more to come between now and 2025 due to a flip of the sun's magnetic poles.
Don't forget the earths's magnetic poles are currently shifting/moving as well, both moving towards the Bay of Bengal, and, losing its magnetic field strength, which is down about 25% now. Which is why the auroras were seen as far south as Florida. If the magnetic field strength were at 100%, those lights would have never reached that far. And that they did, does not bode well for us. It tells us that more and more of the sun's energy is impacting earth far more than it used to. And when our magnetic field flips, the earth will tilt 45 degrees off its current tilt, causing a catastrophic catastrophe. Pretty much ending life on this planet as we know it. Coming soon to a neighborhood near you in about 20-30 years.
P.S. Damn the AI's guy's voice in the video is irritating as hell.