Ghislaine Maxwell


Well-Known Member
"Ghislaine must die in prison".

Sarah Ransome tells Sky's she's spent the "past 17 years in her own prison" for what Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein did to her - "I've been to hell and back", she adds.



Well-Known Member
Where are the rest of these girls.? Certainly she is not the only one willing to complain.
Why doesn't she name the people who raped her?
Let's have some names. Let's have some arrests.
Where were her parents all of this time?
Where are they now.?

Lots of allegations, lots of girls alleged to have been on the island, not one man convicted or under indictment.
I am not in any way excusing Epstein, or Maxwell, but are these people so powerful that they can murder a man in prison , have a woman locked away, fly onto this island, enjoy the sexual perversions that allegedly went on there and not one of them face a trial? If so this is a major indictment on our justice department and
politics in general.


Well-Known Member
Where are the rest of these girls.? Certainly she is not the only one willing to complain.
Why doesn't she name the people who raped her?
Let's have some names. Let's have some arrests.
Where were her parents all of this time?
Where are they now.?

Lots of allegations, lots of girls alleged to have been on the island, not one man convicted or under indictment.
I am not in any way excusing Epstein, or Maxwell, but are these people so powerful that they can murder a man in prison , have a woman locked away, fly onto this island, enjoy the sexual perversions that allegedly went on there and not one of them face a trial? If so this is a major indictment on our justice department and
politics in general.

Where is a news person who is looking into this .? This is an award winning story for someone willing to dig in on it. I'm sure threats were made to keep this out of the public eye,


Well-Known Member
Where is a news person who is looking into this .? This is an award winning story for someone willing to dig in on it. I'm sure threats were made to keep this out of the public eye,
Yes -------------Indeed it would be award winning but i doubt the Journalist would be alive to accept the award.
And they all know it.
Even Attorney General Garland and the head of the FBI know it and they haven't the balls to investigate it either.


Well-Known Member
Where is a news person who is looking into this .? This is an award winning story for someone willing to dig in on it. I'm sure threats were made to keep this out of the public eye,
They probably feel like I do. I have dug and found information and then when I share it "You're crazy!" "You're on drugs!" ETC.! ETC.! Then everyone searches to see if NYT times says so, or FOX, or all the rest of our enemies. I give up and no longer care. If anyone really cares to know the truth..look for it.
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Well-Known Member
All of this is far from done.

Who is the mystery third conspirator? 🙋 I know.

I always thought it was kind of funny when the two (or 3?) photos of Trump with Epstein are at major events (like fashion shows) where the pictures with the Clintons are private events (like weddings or at the white house), and yet everyone on the left claims they are equivalent.


Well-Known Member
I always thought it was kind of funny when the two (or 3?) photos of Trump with Epstein are at major events (like fashion shows) where the pictures with the Clintons are private events (like weddings or at the white house), and yet everyone on the left claims they are equivalent.

If it was only Trump involved with Epstein the investigation would be front page news. Because it also involves highly admired Bill Clinton, the left wants no part in finding out.


Well-Known Member
Will just put this here




Well-Known Member
Mike Smith creator and director of the film Out of the Shadows (film post #51)

Mike Smith: "People ask me all the time about Hollywood and why more people do not speak out... Watch this film..! It is very well done in my opinion. The truth is not for everyone but you need to hear it. We are fighting true evil."

SUICIDED takes a closer look at the curious lives and deaths of those who sought to expose the silent epidemic of child trafficking.



Well-Known Member




"Americans have been “programmed” to expect failure AS THEIR DUE in the past 30 years.

Where all paths end not only in defeat but a deserved defeat. The current stage of the SUBVERSION CAMPAIGN being waged on us by the Fascist Billionaires is **normalization** via the teaching of Critical Race Theory to America’s school children

which will openly indoctrinate them into the anti-American ideology they intend to use to manipulate & control the future generations."




Well-Known Member
Hulu released a new documentary about Les Wexner's connection with Jeffrey Epstein.

Remember when Jesse Watters said there was a third mystery co conspirator? We could be potentially looking at a Les Wexner reveal in the near future.

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Well-Known Member
The establishment ridicules the notion of an "elite global ring of pedophiles" running the world and constantly bashes anyone that dare suggest such a thing.

The thing is everything you are experiencing right now in this leftist nightmare is to protect and preserve one thing: the elite global ring of pedophiles.

Hard to believe.. but true.


Well-Known Member
The establishment ridicules the notion of an "elite global ring of pedophiles" running the world and constantly bashes anyone that dare suggest such a thing.

The thing is everything you are experiencing right now in this leftist nightmare is to protect and preserve one thing: the elite global ring of pedophiles.

Hard to believe.. but true.
I suppose it's pretty hard for some to believe. Those who listen to politicians and believe all they have to say. With me it is just the opposite. I don't believe anything they have to say.


Well-Known Member

President Trump is still targeting human traffickers and is threatening all of them with swift justice and the death penalty. 👍

The Deep State not sleeping well.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I hope the DOJ is looking at the list of all the names of people that Ms. Maxwell provided escorts for. I have no doubt that is top priority for national law enforcement agencies.



Well-Known Member
Shirley you jest. Its much more important to remove the medals of honor to soldiers at Little Big Horn and give them to the murderers at Waco that killed numerous defenseless black children and their babymommas....

Priorities people.