"Ghost guns"


Well-Known Member
Your average ghetto rat dope dealer can buy anything they want on the street for a few bucks of his dope profits, why would he need a plastic POS that might blow up in his hand.?
Millions of guns in America and someone makes one as a pet project and the libs are soiling themselves.

Outlaw them, confiscate them, destroy what you can confiscate and there will still be millions around.
All you have done is make outlaws out of millions of Americans who will not be disarmed by any dildo that makes a law against a Constitutional right.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Yeah So WHAT ... did you have a point you were trying to make ?

My own take-away from that is that Trump damn well better get "educated" on the subject real fast and not go off half-cocked and on misguided and misinformed emotion alone. Nearly all the "information" I see whirling around out there on this issue is utter crap.

What really kills me is the number of "reports" on this whole issue that fail to mention how widely available accurate drawings and 3D models have been for many years..and continue to be. If this really was a problem..it would have been exposed as a problem a LONG time ago.


PREMO Member
My own take-away from that is that Trump damn well better get "educated" on the subject real fast and not go off half-cocked and on misguided and misinformed emotion alone.

Well that could be said with a lot of things Trump Tweets About


If I may ...
If I may ...

What exactly are those, and how do they work? I can't imagine that a completely plastic gun would be an effective weapon. Do they use plastic bullets as well?

If anything, it would be a single shot, single use, plastic gun. The chamber pressure created using anything above .22 caliber would most likely blow up in the hand of the shooter. Pretty much nothing but a homemade zip gun. A very close quarters type of use weapon. With zero accuracy beyond a few feet. Of course, there is always the undetectable home-made-the-old-fashioned-way like used in the movie, "Line of Fire". Because everything Hollywood makes has real world functionality, right?


PREMO Member
nothing to see here, a single shot gun made with pipe fittings is easier, cheaper


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
A gun made entirely out of plastic would be illegal. If it was actually possible to do so... Bullets can be made without metal, but would be very ineffective at anything but very close range.

John Malkovich did it in 1993 In The Line Of Fire. And he almost killed the President. That just proves that all you wild-eyed gunners are lying.