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Active Member
other than pointlookout, sotterly etc. are there some residential areas in southern MD that are known to be haunted?
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New Member
Thank you everyone for your input, if you have any more stories please share. if you want an investigation or are interesting in helping us in anyway PM me. Thank you again.


Soul Probe
What are your credentials?

You know when I was in high school and the career counselor asked me what I wanted to do post high school, I told her I wanted to be a parapsychologist. She then looked at me like I was a ghost! :lol:

There is, apparently, only one man in the US with an actual doctorate's degree in parapsychology, Jeffrey Mishlove.


New Member
sorry about that

As most of you know, there are tons of ghost stories from here in SOMD. If you have any true ghost stories or even just strange unexplainable stories, I would love to hear them, and if I can, possibly investigate them for you if you would like. Tell me your stories.

i posted my own post ( the same name) on maryland life
if i would have looked under hobbys and stuff i wouldnt posted there
i figure it was that time of year again and i wanted to hear ghost stories that pretained to somd. i will look under yours